wow! holy smoke! crash landing! okey doke, indy! hold onto your potatoes! check! gotcha! sure, indy -- three tickets! you, me and wu han -- don't worry, indy. short round number one bodyguard now! lao send planes to kill indy! no, can't leave indy! no, this last one! it's for indy! come here, lady, hold this and shut up please! i get it! oh oh -- big mistake! indy? indy is taking me to america. indy, they make out plane crash? to get you here? i ride with you, indy? oh boy! they don't cry about you. they cry about the elephants leaving. they got no food to feed them. so they taking the elephants away to sell them. here you go, lunch time! you come to america with me, and we can get job in the circus -- you like that? indy, look! what you look at, indy? what for? hey, nobody touches indy's whip! that little maharajah think he big stuff. next time i flatten him! did you see his eyes? indy, they glow like fire and get real crazy! then he talk in this real scary voice! yeah, that's what happened. get to sleep indy -- i stay up and keep eye on things. don't worry, indy! where are they?! uh uh -- me neither! it went under. hey, i feel wind, indy. what does it mean, indy? i don't think we suppose to be in here, indy. indy, the floor -- there is some- thing alive! holy smoke -- i'm scared, indy! indy, i found a -- willie, help!! please, willie! willie, help us! hurry! why they glow like that? i keep my eye peeled, indy. run willie! indy -- you knocked out when you fall. you okay? this is nainsukh -- from the vil- lage. they bring him here to dig in the mines. what they do to you now? how? his eyes -- they go out. the pain -- the pain makes him wake up! indy! i can make indy wake up! indy! indy -- ! no -- indy -- wake up! wake up! it's just a nightmare, indy! wake up, please indy! no, indy, no! behind you! how you like bing pin cushion, mr. rajah-ha-ha? it was the black sleep of kali. thanks pal. good luck. willie, come on! indy! hurry! no, indy, it's left tunnel. read you loud and clear, indy! what?! indy, look out! indy!! nothing to it -- follow me! easy like pie! kid's stuff! willie, look!