aren't you going to introduce us? well -- i thought archaeologists were always funny little men searching for their mummies -- aaahhh! look at this! he put a hole in my dress from paris! this nurhachi's a very small guy. so, what's the big deal? let me see it -- ow, you're hurting me, you miser- able little hood! hey, he's not a waiter. who cares? where's that diamond! excuse me, but i believe that's my diamond! aw nuts! for crying out loud, a kid's driv- ing the car?! listen, we just met for crissake! i'm not that kind of gril! you don't look very good. look at what you've done to me! i'm a mess! my lipstick's smeared, i broke two nails, i've got an aw- ful run in my stocking -- ! what're we going to do?! where're we going?! i'll take the extra ticket. where's this plane going anyway? siam? but i'm not dressed for siam. so, what're you supposed to be, a lion tamer? i'm freezing. what do you mean, tag along? from the minute you walked into that nightclub, you haven't been able to keep your eyes off me. wake up! it's the drug he drank to stop the poison -- you got to be kidding! no! no, i can't! give me that parachute, i changed my mind -- there's nobody flying the plane! you got it! are you crazy, a lift raft?! we're not sinking, we're crashing! wait for me! no. i'm not cut out for the kind of life you lead. oh no. i ripped my dress. where are we anyway? holy cow -- india? how do you know we're in -- what'd he say? what do you mean -- how? dream -- nightmare is more like it. i hope this means we're going to get some dinner. god, i am starving, but i can't eat this. i'm sorry, i -- here, please. took what? i don't understand how losing one rock could destroy this village. is it really powerful? their children? what'd he say now? whoa! easy now -- nice elephant. this is the first time anybody ever cried when i left. figures. pankot?! i thought we were going to delhi! hey, wait a minute! can't somebody take me to delhi?! i don't want to go to pankot! i think you need this more than me. those are very big bird. they must be pretty dumb to drink that awful-looking water. stark naked? you wish. if you're trying to seduce me, dr. jones, this is a very primitive approach. somehow i feel safer in here. indy! help me! a snake! a snake!! what?! it's got me ! indy, help me! it's pulling me deeper! it's curling around me! damn it, stop talking and do something! what?! just one arm! pet it??!! the what?! oh -- my -- god -- it's going to crush me! it's starting to let go! it's letting fo. i think it's -- i think it's going to sleep! thanks for nothing! i hate snakes! where'd you find your little body- guard? he'll be okay. he's a good kid. well, when my nightclub career was run over by the depression, some pinhead convinced me that "a girl could go places in the orient" so, look where i got. oh, that's easy -- i'm going to latch onto a good-looking, in- credibly rich prince. oh really? is that what you're hoping to find at this palace, dr. jones? what's that? what does the writing say? that's shiva? what's he giving the priest? you mean magical like the rock that was stolen from that village? fortune and glory. sweet dreams, dr. jones. i'd be safer sleeping with that snake. did you see it?! it was one of those bats! god, what else is out there?! just try and control yourself. why are we stopping here? what's the guide talking about? he hasn't said a word the whole trip. he's afraid of something. you mean we have to walk the rest of the way? -- shot at, fallen out of a plane, nearly drowned, squashed by a snake, attacked by a bat -- i smell like an elephant! i tell you i'm not going to make it! yeah, i wish you'd thought of this sooner. hi. . . hard to believe, isn't it? how'd you like to run into him in a dark alley. that one's kind of cute. i could see myself married to a prince like that. you should have been there. is that him? oh -- good. and maybe the pres- ent marahajah is a little younger? and thinner? dinner? and with a prince?! my luck is changing. but look at me -- my god, i've to to get ready! it's sort of like being in heaven. she might get away with that act here, but she'd never make it in a real nightclub. listen, mr. lal, what do you call the maharajah's wife? no? well, i guess he just hasn't met the right woman. i think this maharajah is swim- ming in money. maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea. finally! that's the maharajah -- that kid?! i've never been so hungry in my life. my god, sort of grusome, isn't it? suddenly i'm not so hungry. i uh -- had bugs for lunch. give me your hat. i'm going to puke in it. so you have something, you know, simple -- like soup or something? i wanna go home. not leftovers? oh, it is real food. it's beautiful. yeah -- and nothing else. that shock you? you mean like love rituals. primitive sexual practices? you're dying to come into my room, aren't you? too proud to admit you're crazy about me, dr. jones? we'll see who gives in first -- i'll leave my door open. dr. jones -- ? five minutes, dr. jones. he's not coming. i can't be- lieve it. no -- don't you see -- crawling -- get -- the -- bug -- off! oh no -- oh no!! please -- oh please, i'm going to die! get it off! what did i do to deserve this trip?! i'm packing! i'm getting out of here right now tonight! i don't care if i have to walk to delhi, i'm -- hey! hey -- where are you?! what?! oh hell -- i bet i get all dirty again! i'm coming, what's the rush?! ohh! what's that?! there's stuff all over the floor! i can't see a thing! it's all wet and icky! aaahh -- things are moving!! there's bugs! bugs all over! help! help me! open the door! let me in!! a what?! i can't find any lever! help me indy! there's a hole! i found a square hole! i am -- it looks horrible! i can't, indy! i can't! oh god, it's soft -- it's moving! get is off me -- get it off! what is it? oh my god! he ripped out his -- he killed him! let's go! let's get out of here! diamonds? wait -- what're you doing? down? down there?! are you crazy --! you're gonna get killed chasing after your damn fortune and glory! oh hell, where's he going? what're you -- ? oh my god, you scared me! listen, you've got to help. we found this tunnel -- no -- you can't go! something aw- ful's happened. they've got short round and i think indy's been -- we found a tennel that leads to a temple below the palace! please, come with me, i'll show you! i'm afraid they'll kill them! we saw horrible things down there -- they had a human sacrifice and they ripped a man's heart out! it's some kind of cult! and they've got the sacred stones that indy was searching for. what're you talking about -- i'm not a dope fiend! i saw it! i'll show you! oh, indy, you got away! tell them what happened, they won't believe me -- they think i'm insane. tell them i'm not, indy. please -- help me . what? i want to go home. indy? did you walk to them? so now they believe me. then they'll send the soldiers down into the temple. you know you've been nothing but trouble since i hooked up with you -- but i have to admit i'd miss you if i lost you. indy! help me! indy?! please, god, don't let them do this to me -- help me, indy! look out -- ! what're we going to do? what're we going to do?! i can't! what happened? what's wrong with him? i got one! indy, i got one! indy, look out! get down here, shorty! i got us a ride! i don't appreciate being cooked like a french fry! what above the curves?! what're you doing?! we're going too fast!! anymore ideas? oh no! i'm okay -- i'm fine -- i love to flirt with death. what's that?. indy?! oh. shit. some short cut! indy -- looks out behind you! i guess mola ram got what he wanted. and the diamond hidden inside. it's a real miracle. and they don't even know what it really is. you didn't do so well yourself. finding that stone could've got- ten you all the fortune and glory you were talking about. oh no, i'm finding a native guide who knows the way. no more de- tours for me, thank you dr. jones.