hello, ind -- doctor jones. look at all of those papers! want me to come by later? help you grade? goodbye, ind -- doctor jones! you can't do this to me! you just can't go away. i mean. africa is so far away, and. well. i love you, indy. you call what happened last night "casual". momentary lapse! so that's all i am to you! if i can't have you. i don't want to live. not like you. don't leave me, indy! never underestimate the determination of a brooklyn girl, doctor jones. never. my precious! his girlfriend. proving my love for you. never. this proves that nothing can come between us. not an ocean. not two separate continents. hey. i'm from brooklyn. stowed away in the banana barrel. ate my way to the bottom. hey, indy. who's the babe? yeah. well you're gettin' on my nerves, miss. miss. betsy tuffet. listen, sister. you better stay away from indy. get. him. off. of. me! who's sun wu-kung? africa?. he journeyed to africa?. what civilization? fine. terrific. who cares about this stuff anyway! we're in a nightclub. we should be havin' fun. c'mon, indy. let's dance. what a buncha' stiffs! bet you can't dance. oh yeah? whattayou' know?. the bunny hop?. the jitterbug?. huh? never heard of 'em. about time we had some fun! what a romantic night! indy, you smell so good! so masculine! mmmm, indy. i love it when you don't shave. it's so sexy! how 'bout a little goodnight kiss? mmmmm, indy. you really know the way to a girl's heart! i dreamed about our first night together! hey, lady. you're s'posed to be a doctor. you got any cures for a hangover?. ex. cuse. me! don't you know somethin' else? somethin' upbeat?. it's so hot. stuffy. do we have to stay on this stupid boat all night?. can we at least jump in the water?. go for a swim?. you are so rude! i travel thousands of miles just to be with you. and everybody treats me like dirt! nobody even talks to me without making some condescending remark they think i'm too stupid to understand! so maybe i don't know a lot about weird tribal dances. i'm still pretty good with anthropology and archeology. maybe i could even help you out. if somebody gave me a chance. clued me in to what it is we're doin' here. 'cause whether you like it or not, indiana jones. i'm part of this expedition, too! what about sun wu kung?. what is it?. some kinda' weird animal?. couldn't sleep. the heat. i'm in the mood for passion. i'm not leaving. not till i get a kiss. one kiss. or i'll scream. i swear. i'll wake the whole boat. c'mon. you ain't so tough. you wouldn't last ten minutes in brooklyn. look at 'em. it's like they've never seen a woman before. kinda' flattering, isn't it?. being the girl of 200 guy's dreams? indy. i'm frightened. an earthquake? nobody move. or we'll go over. maybe he knows what to do with this. i've been talking to dr. clarke about our problem. dr. clarke says that you're not really in love with me. you're just trying to prove that you can still attract younger women. you're terrified of getting old. that's what i told her. i told her that you really did love me. you mean. she was right?. that's the first time you ever said it! if the little guy's pushin' 200 years?. how old's his father? but. it's. it's the middle of the night. why's he speakin' in english? i thought the peaches promised immortality. eternal youth?. indy!. i'm not leaving. i'm staying on as clare's assistant. not any more. i'm having my credits transfered. clare is a brilliant teacher. indy. i thought you wanted me out of your life. indy, i've learned a lot from you. but it's time i started concentrating on a career in anthropology. instead of romance. thanks to you. you know. i always thought of you as my knight in shining armor. but now, i'll think of you as the father i never had. sorry. guess i left her cage open. she followed us.