dr. jones! forgive me. thought i was being attacked by a degenerate sailor. your appearance is deceiving. please. i'd like that very much. your daughter? a child! how terribly sordid. think i'm going to be ill. charming. your intellectual and emotional superior. "doctor" clare clarke. as in curds and whey? my dear, he has no interest in me. i've already celebrated my tenth birthday. tyki. this is doctor jones. just basic manners. what it takes most men a lifetime to learn. tyki's accomplished in two weeks. this is our guide, scraggy brier. and miss bets-- it appears that bonzo is attracted to miss tuffet's derfume. eau de banana peel. about ten miles from here. we were on a photographic expedition. in the thick of the jungle. i heard sounds. whimpering. moaning. i took a few steps, and found tyki. he was lying in a shallow swamp. semi conscious. a high fever. nearly dead from exhaustion. he had obviously been travelling on foot for many days, over countless miles. so i brought him back to the compound. nursed him back to health. quibble. tyki was wearing this when i found him. dr. jones, you are obviously familiar with the legend of sun wu- king's garden of immortal peaches?. this fruit fly had a normal life- span of twenty four hours. as an experiment. the fly was put in this room. alone. with only the peach stone to sustain its existence. the fly stayed alive for he understands him? "pai cho"? that confirms our suspicions that he may have formed his civilization here. quite the contrary. i spent several months studying dance. the bondogea. the kyebe kyebe. the dungumaro. african tribal dances. of course not. they're beyond the spectrum of your microscopic world. the golden hooped rod? and what is the. the water curtain cave? it would have been sun wu kung's logical path. please try to control that monstrous libido of yours! will they hurt tyki? will they be following us? what is that awful aroma? in all my years of anthropology. i've never run across anyone or anything quite like scraggy. you're looking very lecherous. save it for the schoolgirls. i'm keeping an accurate record of our journey. evidence. i plan on testifying at your child molestation trial. the best i've heard was used by a new zealand tribe. one part crushed owl skull. two parts rhino saliva. one part zebra dandruff. any sign of the nazis? there's an old legend about the zambesi. in ancient times, criminals were given their choice of execution. or swimming across the zambesi. most chose execution. tell us all a bedtime story, doctor jones. no animal sounds like that. banseebaba? cheery thought. "the erotic adventures of indiana jones, professor of perversity". to them. we're the ultimate women. i imitated the sound of a lion mother calling her babies. we have to get out. or we'll be crushed to death. that's odd. wildebeests will not stampede unless provoked. it was you. you're the reason the nazis found us. "i come from land of city on clouds". betsy needed help. i obliged. since i received a masters degree in psychology. there. there. he's a very disturbed man. doctor jones!!! do exactly what i do. i made the sound of a baby swandola bird, crying for help. the mother birds immediately reply to the cries . angrily protecting their children, and murdering the baby's attackers. he's. dead. what does it say?. damn you, jones! why couldn't you be here to share this with me! he is a heavenly being. according to legend, when a heavenly being speaks, men of all countries can understand him. we hear him in english. the pygmies hear him in their language. i think there is someone you should meet. yes, but i don't offer a course in seduction. especially aboard ship for three weeks. it gets terribly lonely. doctor jones. although your libido is questionable, your bravery and intelligence are exceptional. it has been an honor working with you. yes. yes.