the tank, without a driver, begins to swerve off the mountain road. the tank is a large, grey blur through the clouds. several dark, bulking figures appear! they climb along the ravine sides and tops. the mysterious figures surround the tank. all are holding enormous boulders over their heads. aimed at the tank. the dark figures shower the tank with heavy boulders. the tank's gun barrel snaps in two. headlights smash. its body becomes dented. the injured, wobbling tank moves out of the clouds. arriving around the corner from the mountain top. the countless dark figures continue to follow the tank. scurrying along the ravine sides and tops. the figures emerge from the clouds. for the first time, they are visible. and we see that the figures are tall. hairy. muscular. gorillas! they continue to assault the tank with boulders. the tank comes to a sudden stop. one of the gorillas emits a bigs pitched shriek. communicating with the others. the others pause. they stop the attack. the gorillas approach the tank. slowly. cautiously. the apes reach out. touching the tank's wrecked body. a few of the apes begin to climb onto the tank.