c'mon, mac. it's the first bite i've had all week. do you value our friendship, mac? then this better not be some wild goose chase. let's go. this guy's got one hell of an ego. i'd rather be catchin' trout. interesting blood type. cabernet sauvignon. 1897. let's get outta' here. i need more light. bottomley?. bottomley?. who is it?. who's there?. can't! there's some kinda' hot ice coverin' the. now they bite! excuse me, sir? hello? canyou hear me?. still walks toward the table. the baron continues to ignore him. indy is annoyed. listen, pal. there are two dead policemen upstairs and. chow time's over, mister. you better start talkin'. there's a lot of strange things happening around here. and i want some answers! do you hear me? i want some answers! now! haven't you had enough? no chance, mac. my plane leaves in the morning. vacation's over. gotta' get back to school. right. send it to me airmail. yeah, yeah. an angel's kiss. i know. ah. it was nothing, mac. nothing at all. not now, betsy. please, i. help me grade. yeah. sure. huh?. look, priestly. i'm real busy. me?. distracted?. yes. oh, hello, marcus. look, can you hold on?. you were saying, sir? yes, marcus. i'm still here. just hold on! i'm very sorry, sir. damn it, marcus! i'm standing here with dean. what?. just how important?. it is, huh?. okay. five minutes. yeah. i'll be right over. but this better be important, marcus! i promise. by tomorrow. i'll have all of these graded. and dried! "f"! this better be important, marcus. or the museum will soon be displaying my bones. my teaching career is in danger of extinction. "sun wu kung, the stone monkey king". big deal. that was ten years ago, marcus. geez! this heller kid's got the worst grammar. don't believe this. he spells "repeat" with two "e's". kid gets an "a" on content. a "d" on form. two years. nearly two years of my life. looking for the remains of that monkey. a piece of his legendary golden hooped rod. or some sign of the lost city. nine men perished on the journey. rest of us nearly died from starvation or one of the many horrible deseases we discovered. we still came back empty handed. give up?!?. marcus, we spent thirteen months in china!. another seven in india!. there was no proof. archeological or anthropological. to indicate that sun wu-kung ever visited africa. hey. my papers. very interesting, marcus. now if you'll turn the lights back on -- marcus. the lights. what?. but how did miss -- "doctor" clake. how did she arrive at such a preposterous hypothesis? means nothing. the rivers of africa have been plagued by various oriental pirates and scavengers since the 16th century. not much evidence, marcus. marcus, there are countless undiscovered african tribes. all with various obscure beliefs and practices. one tribe may wear peach stones. another may wear banana peels. enlighten me. that's impossible. he's probably wearing his great grandfather's stuff. what does all of this have to do with me? no chance. sorry, marcus. i've burned this bridge. marcus. please. i've got to finish these. c'mon, betsy. relax. you're gettin' 'em all wet again. thought we agreed this was s'posed to be casual. my dear. a momentary lapse into passion does not a love affair make. betsy. wait. whatsa' matter with you!. tryin' to ruin my whip!. drink this. you'll feel better. c'mon, betsy. get a hold of yourself. you're young. there are a lot of other guys. that's true. but that's no reason to stop living! besides, i'm too old for you. by the time you're seventy five, i'll be. yeccchhh! i'll be disgusting. look. you're just a flighty kid. twenty minutes after i walk out this door, you'll have a date with the college romeo. two hours from now, you'll be madly in love with him. by tomorrow, you'll forget i ever existed. i see you haven't changed, scraggy. " -- or bad spirits will enter your body!" i should! last time we saw each other. you made me wear the same clothes for 3 weeks straight. in other words. if people never changed clothes. there would be no evil in the world. i missed all a' your crazy philosophies, scraggy. no sweat. no. just a degenerate archeologist. likewise. there must be some mistake. i didn't -- well, yeah. but. may i call you "clare"? well, clare. we've obviously got a lot of notes to compare. let's get started tonight. over dinner. friend of mine owns a cafe. he'll get us a nice quiet table. no disturbances. just the two of us -- my assistant. it's nothing. really. what the hell are you doing here'? puppy love. schoolgirl crush. she'll get over it. how. i mean. how could you stay alive? but we'ye been sailing for three weeks! look, betsy. why don't you get back on the boat. this time, as a passenger. when's the next one out? he's a real gentleman. where did you find him?. clare, i hate to quibble with your anthropological abilities. but if this little fellow is over 200 years old. i mean. what accounts for his youthful appearance?. his vitality?. a bite from the fruit of that peach tree would give a person eternal life. make them forever young. studying the peach pit. the fruit fly continues to buzz around indiana's head. there's nothing unusual about this . nothing to indicate that it's from sun wu kung's garden. sorry. scraggy knows hundreds of languages. he's the best guide in africa. ask tyki where he came from. huh?. what the hell's that s'posed to mean? can he take us there? the sacres proverbs and writings of sun wu kung. his disciples always carry the pai cho with them. can you translate it?. many monkey land. that's a definite reference to africa. betsy. keep your trap shut. this doesn't concern you. later. glares at betsy. clare reaches for her cup of coffee. she notices that the coffee cup trembles slightly. clare glances beneath the table, and sees betsy rubbing indy's leg. clare is disgusted. tries to ignore betsy's playing. scraggy continues to translate the scroll. a heavenly staff with many different powers. most notably, it had the ability to transform itself into hundreds of objects. it remains the most priceless treasure of sun wu kung's empire. sun wu kung's legendary hideout. an enormous secret cave, hidden behind a running waterfall. this proves that the water curtain cave exists in africa. does it mention anything about sun wu kung's travels? the zarnbesi river! it has a reputation for its deadly water snakes. it will also be our logical path. we have to get back to the compound. tyki may be in danger. get your hands off him. when i tell you. hit the brakes! now, scraggy! dash!. they know he's important to us. they'll use him to bargain for this. every step of the way. exactly. we can't let the nazis get to the city first. if they do, they'll wipe out one of the greatest archeological finds in history! scraggy's takin' a shower. he believes that onions keep bad spirits from entering his body. he's a rare breed. you're looking very lovely. just tryin' to be friendly. look, clare. betsy's just an anxious archeology student. she admires my work. who can blame her?. but it's just some kinda' hero worship thing. you're writin' this down?. what's that got to do with my personal life? why do i do this to myself? no, no. get a cup of donkey sweat . two spoons of skunk hair. and one pint of shredded lizard tongue. almost 20 miles. long as we keep up this pace. they'll have trouble tracking us. we have to keep moving. clare's right. we'll be safer on the boat. now quit moanin' and eat your food. long ago. a place known as the flower fruit mountain, in the chinese province of ao-lai. was struck by lightning. a stone monkey, "sun wu-kung", was born. more than human. he was blessed with countless heavenly powers. but it wasn't enough. sun wu-kung wanted to learn the secret of eternal life. of immortality. equipped with his golden hooped rod to protect him, sun wu kung travelled the world for many years . learning the secret philosophies and teachings of eternal youth. eventually, he was granted entrance to heaven. where the jade emperor gave sun wu kung the title of "great sage of the heavens". and permitted him to oversee the garden of immortal peaches. after several years, the stone monkey returned to somewhere on earth. here, he ruled an empire. a civilization of monkeys and humans who had life spans of many hundred years. the exact whereabouts of that lost city has been a mystery for hundreds of years. until doctor clarke discovered the pygmy. it's uncertain just how much of this legend is based in reality. nevertheless, we're hoping to find some sign of the lost civilization. whatever he was. a stone idol. an actual monkey. a human being. is unknown. but he is one of the most influentual religious figures in history, and his remains are most likely somewhere in the lost city. sound familiar? whatever the hell it is. it went to sleep for the night. which is what we should do. is asleep in his cabin. suddenly, the door slowly creaks open. a shadow appears on the cabin wall. coming toward indiana. the shadow extends a hand. the hand grabs indy's blanket. indy wakes. he leaps out of bed and tackles the mysterious person. indy flips on the cabin lamp. the intruder is none other than. betsy. indiana pulls betsy to her feet. she gives a flirtatious smile. i'm in the mood for isolation. betsy. okay. just one. keep your mouth closed. what's that you're writing?. very funny. has nearly finished shaving. he tries to convince clare of his innocence. she continues to write. ignoring him. you are blowing this betsy thing all out of proportion. it's not as if i have this sleazy reputation. i am a respected. honored. admired. you son of a bitch. scraggy!. no!. keep goin' straight!. full steam ahead!. still swordfighting the pirate king, screams to scraggy. no!. trust me!. full steam ahead!. full steam ahead !. wait. free the girl. . and my friends. . or i blow your hideout here out of the water! we can take you to the lost city of sun wu kung! (as the tnt fuse burns the sacred pai-cho scroll. don't bother. only we can translate it. fat chance, sinbad. it's 50-50. or you've got no deal. read that last proverb again. there's something here. something that could help us. is there an area. a place where the tide changes?. and the remainder of this wall will be visible?. we're gonna need light. a lot of light. on this wall. i doubt that. i've never gotten used to killing, pal. i do it for survival. this is incredible. this map was obviously used by sun wu kung's disciples. if they were ever lost. where is that?. you know them? good. we'll leave in the morning. that sound. again. thought you said they knew you?. wait. listen. they're not following us. be careful where you step. we've got to move slowly. very slowly. clare! what are you?!? c'mon. let's get outta' -- is this the tribal chief you told me about?. your friend?. what happened to the other tribe? you recognize their language? i'm claustrophobic. clare!. wait!. scraggy. how close? where's the softest ground?. continues to ride the uncontrollable rhino. they are within thirty feet of the oncoming tank. jump!. jump!. call your mommy. this is jones. i've got your tank. it's all over, pal. you lose. drops the microphone. suddenly worried. he hurries out of the tank. gutterbuhg stays behind. laughing. we've got to move. fast. ask him if he knows the way to the city from here. a lotta' good that does us. it could take us months. years. to search everyone of those. but whattayou do with it? problem?. hey. what're you two doin' talkin' behind my back?. since when did you become the female sigmund freud? that's crazy. well. that's. ah. well. no. i mean yes. i mean. no, betsy. i don't love you. enough. we're in this together. if we start fighting among ourselves. we'll never get out alive. how do i work the big gun? want your souvenir? start with his good arm. tell him to take off my stuff! ask him where we may find the burial place. or the remains. of sun wu- kung. bastard. this is turning into one helluva nightmare. your feuher's philosphies belong on a bathroom wall. i don't share anything with nazis. heil hitler! nazis'll be be here soon. we gotta move fast. what?!?. general?. who the hell do they think i am. custer?. geez. the only speeches i remember are from college. when i played ball. men. and, ah. women. i. ah. we're about to face one of our toughest opponents. they've got size. hardware. and well, quite frankly. we're the underdogs. but. well, if it wasn't for the little guy. where would this country be?. i mean. i knew this little guy once . a scrawny runt, with thick black glasses and about 300 different kinds of allergies. but this little kid had a dream. he wanted to be on the football team. well, all the big guys made his life miserable. always shoving his head in the drinking fountain. putting mustard in his pants. throwing me 'er, him!. throwing him in the shower with all his clothes on. but that little guy didn't quit. be worked hard. never gave up. and in two years. he was the quarterback. star of the team. and you know why?. 'cause that little kid had somethin' that those big guys never heard of. he had heart! and nothin' can stop that! nothin'! now let's go out there and show 'em just how tough the little guys are! what the hell's goin' on? you. you're. sun wu kung?. huh?. you know me? well, i. thanks i'm very honored. we had a deal. son of a bitch. the garden of immortal peaches promises life only to those who are pure in heart. kezure was evil. his heart was filled with greed. where's betsy?. the boat leaves in five minutes. thanks, scraggy. where're your bags? huh?. but, you. you have to finish school. but you're my assistant. why?. so am i. you stay out of this. that was before i realized how gifted. how talented you are. i mean. i could really use you. i warned you. you've certainly developed a mature attitude. really? terrific. why. thanks. you know, clare. there's something. something i've been wanting to do. since we first met.