gutterbuhg is here. he views the outside action through a periscope. two nazi gunners are behind him. waiting for orders to shoot. tyki sits in the background. the confused pygmy is bound and gagged. gutterbuhg looks into the periscope. indy's friends are in his sights. gutterbuhg screams to the gunners. through the periscope, gutterbuhg sees indy and the rhino. gutterbuhg screams in german, ordering the nazi gunner to "fire". gutterbuhg looks through the periscope. his view is blocked by dust. the nazis are unaware of indy's presense on the tank. gutterbuhg continues to look through the periscope. the dust begins to clear. he focuses his sights on indy's friends. located several feet away. they climb into the tree. gutterbuhg smiles. the tree of indy's friends are in gutterbuhg's sights. a perfect shot. gutterbuhg screams in german, ordering the nazi gunners to shoot. they fire. but the barrel backfires! exploding in the face of the two nazi gunners. it sends them flying against the wall. out cold. the cabin fills with smoke. only gutterbuhg and tyki remain. a furious gutterbuhg picks up the radio. he screams into the microphone. tyki sits inside. watching through the periscope. helpless. indiana takes the controls. but they are completely alien to him. he hears a squeal. tyki. behind him. tyki motions to a specific control. indy grabs hold of it. indy grabs the radio microphone. he holds it in front of gutterbuhg. indiana drives. unfamiliar with the controls. the tank is crowded with everyone. betsy and clare sit beside indy. gutterbuhg is directly behind him. kezure teaches a game to scraggy. tyki, the pirates and the various crew members watch. the game appears to be a bizarre version of chess. only the tokens are dried insects and lizards. kezure explains. clare notices the tank going over the mountain. she screams. indy looks at the tank's control panel. a puzzlement. he looks at gutterbuhg. indy hits the gas. indiana looks through the persiscope. his view blinded by the clouds. indy eases up on the gas. the tank slows. suddenly, there is a loud crash! the tank is hit. rattling. shaking. everyone is tossed. save for indy, who stays at the controls. he continues to guide the tank forward. there is another crash. and another. and another. indiana is tough. persistent. he continues to move the jolting tank forward. as the surrounding walls cave in. shatter. everyone panics. indiana still attempts to move the tank forward. but the engine begins to cough. sputter. and dies. filled with nazis. the gunner looks into the periscope. he is met with the reflection of a snarling gorilla's face. he screams and jumps several nazis are sprawled on the tank floor. unconscious. undressed. camera pans upward. the gorillas have taken control of the tank. they have dressed themselves in nazi uniforms! the gorillas, still dressed as nazis, continue to drive the tank the gorillas are ecstatic. howling. cheering.