good. we will all die. hah! better men than you have tried to find the lost city. they have all failed. you are a fool. huh?. the lost city. said to have streets paved in gold. treasures far greater than any mortal man could imagine. your pathetic lives will be spared. for now. but everything we find in the lost city. belongs to me. it is my way. or you've got no head. in a few hours. the water will be lower. much lower. to my good fortune. you know. we are very much alike, doctor jones. we both share a remarkable talent for killing. i do it for pleasure. these drawings. they are of the surrounding jungle. it is located at the most south eastern part of the jungle. near the mountains. there is a village there. the mongooboo tribe. very well. i traded with the chief for many years. the village is there. beyond the thick of jungle. no. that is him. this is a different tribe. new. they have taken over the village. this is called "taskipi". only the bravest play. the game is not yet over, my friend. you have lost. you must pay. no. no. money. rules of the game declare that i may choose a souvenir. a part of your body. any part i wish. your eyes. they are a striking deep blue. you owe me, old man. these are the peaches that make one . forever young?. she is a wonderful treasure. eh?. i have no deals with dead men. i am an old pirate, doctor jones. do you suddenly expect me to treat you with kindness and fairness?. it is not my way of life! kill them. but save their hair. i will make a coat out of it.