doctor jones!. doctor jones !. we need your assistance! please. it's very importantl. more than me' nightly pint. t'ain't wild geese we're after, doctor jones. you got me' word on that. . and a macgowan's word is truer than an angel's kiss! that light. only burns after a murder's been committed. well. ahmmmm. that is what we're here for. eh, men?. ah. hennesey. galbraith. bottomley. you're comin' with us. baron seamus seagrove iii. some say 'e walks the moors every midnight. others claim e's been dead for years. hennesey?. hennesey?. thanks for catchin' me. galbraith. you come with me! we'll search for hennesey. out here! bottomley. you go with doctor jones. in there. doctor jones! try to push! now you can get back to your fishing, doctor jones. 'tis a shame to go home empty handed. tell ya' what, my friend. i fancy me'self quite the fisherman. tomorrow, i'll go out and catch you a real beauty, eh?. doctor jones! a macgowan's word is truer than. what is it, man? you look as if you've seen a screamin' banshee!