you will not be disappointed, indiana. look familiar? ten years or fifty years. it will always be in your blood. think back, indiana. remember your desire? your passion? damn it, man! you can't bury those feelings forever! one mustn't give up so easily, indiana. but none in africa. until now. the woman is dr. clare clarke. the famous zoologist. she works in africa, studying animals in their natural habitat. three weeks ago, dr. clarke discovered that cute little fellow. "tyki". a pygmy of an unusual race. unrelated to any known african tribe. dr. clarke believes that tyki comes from the lost civilization of sun wu-kung. "doctor". the pygmy speaks in a language that has no african origins. but bears a strong resemblance to chinese. there's more. the pygmy was found wearing an ornamental peach stone around his neck. believed to come from sun wu-kung's legendary garden of immortal peaches. there is one final bit of evidence. the pygmy is over 200 years old. dr. clarke has done a considerable amount of testing on the pygmy's clothing. his sandals. everything was over 200 years old. dr. clarke wants to mount an expedition to find the lost city of sun wu-kung. she is quite familiar with your reputation. she'd like you to come along. there will be money involved. the museum is willing to fund the expedition. indiana. you've got to finish something much more important. you crossed the threshold over a decade ago. and it's been tearing at your insides ever since. my friend, if there is even one iota of truth in dr. clarke's findings. then you can lift the veil of mystery that has surrounded this chinese legend for centuries. you may uncover the secrets to a lost civilization. and possibly, to man's never ending search for immortality. indiana. can you afford to pass up the single most important adventure of your life?