indy! at last we are reunited! oh, keechingo, god of friendship. i thank you for granting my wish! mahootmek, god of goodness, say. "before body make contact with foreign object. one must cast out bad spirits, or -- " yes! you have excellent memory, indy. never separate body from clothes, or bad spirits will hide in pockets! exactly! they not so crazy, indy. these days. there is much evil in the air. i feel it. everywhere. dr. clarke! why you kick dr. jones?. indy! remember mahootmek, god of goodness! "before body make contact with foreign object -- " ". you must cast out bad spirits!" i warn you, indy! you must always cast out bad spirits! too late, indy. two weeks. he say. "i come from 'land of city on clouds'". he say if he could. he would go back! he say "pai cho" may help you. "sun wu kung run like fire, he journey to many monkey land, to build his final empire." "with his golden hooped rod, and its powerful lightning rays, sun wu kung build water curtain cave, where he live for 500 days." only place called"twisted snake water". bad spirits have indy! he in trouble! big trouble! pandoola, god of purity, say. "always stay ten paces ahead of bad spirit". i always use family cure! two spoons chopped leeches. half cup horse mucous. two quarts crocodile urine! how far we travel, indy?. my friends also curious about where we journey to, indy. this monkey?. he could walk?. talk?. like human?. it is far, far away. many miles. could be "banseebaba". banseebaba is giant demon from hell. he is 50 feet tall. breathes fire. make sound like human never hear before. he is made up of all evil in the world! is confused by indy's orders. he screams back to indiana. what?. you crazy indy?. we be crushed!. we smash into rock wall!. blesses himself. his face is strong. confident. he revs the engine. full speed. he tightly clutches the wheel. aiming the river boat toward the waterfall. continues to rev the river boat's engine. chanting various prayers under his breath. in the background, a feisty betsy continues to swordfight. "high tide drowns curiosity, low tide quenches thirst". still far away. but getting closer. i tell him we divine messengers of sun wu-kung. if he interfere with our mission. jade emperor come down from heavens and destroy his village. i tell him we lose path to city. i ask if he have something to help us. he say this will help us. and since we are divine messengers. we will know how to use it! wildebeest. two miles. oh, no! many dead spirits! bad spirits. we must stay away. this time, it is very close, indy. very close! indy?. indy?. safest place from bad spirits. is in branches of tree. indy in trouble! we must help! he do not know exact place. but it is somewhere over there. it is "magical mirror of sun wu kung". we play again? oh? i don't have money. he say that two miles ahead. we will find his home. he say. "our prince has returned home". he thank us. for returning his son. his name "bohbala". he is ruler of city, faithful servant of his lord and master. sun wu-kung. he welcome us to stay. as long as we wish. it is written. if ruler is defeated by greater power. he who possess that power. . shall become ruler! they want you to give speech. before battle. general always give speech to inspire troops. you owe me, old man. sun always shine in the garden of immortal peaches. "our lord. our master. sun. wu. kung" oh, indy! indy! i want to give you something for your journey! take one drink before bed. it keep out all bad spirits.