were american's 1 what are you? you speak english pretty good for a german! okay, talk! okay, okay, it wasn't your fault! what's your name soldier? that's the same name as one of the guys you just killed! okay wilhelm. .is anybody alive on our side? who's that? wilhelm, who is that? which girl? yeah, she's oar's! is she okay? okay wilhelm, what'd ya say we make a deal? aldo. wilhelm, can i call yap willi? so willi, you know we could lob three or four or five or six grenades down there, and your little war story ends here. but good fer you, bad fer her, you die, she dies. so what say we make a swap? okay, willi here's my deal! you let me and one of my men come down to take the girl away! and we take the girl, and leave! that simple, willi! you go your way, we go ours! and little max, gets to grow up playing catch with his daddy! so what'ya say, willi, we got a deal? willi thinks. bridget watches willi think. i'm here willi! what choice ya got? well now, willi, that's true enough. but something you need to know, so you don't get the wrong idea. ain't none of us give a fuck bout that girl. but, admittedly, if you kill her, it would fuck up our plans. but you'll be dead by then anyway, so what'd you care? and lets not forget that little gatzenjammer max, growin up without a pop. so in the spirit of gettin you home to him, we got a deal, willi?