ahhh hugo, you've moved up in the world i see. lieutenant. and with your record of insubordination. truly remarkable. and that ones. (pointing at it would appear somebodies missing. somebody fashionable. a off screen soldier's voice cries out; i want everybody out of this room! they start to leave. that means now, goddamnit! they rush out. he walks over to the patient in the hospital bed, its none other then sgt.willi, and yes, he's still alive. landa pulls up a chair next to the bed, sits down. can you speak, sgt? tell me everything that happened in there? the think bubble dissolves away, reveling the entrance again, and as if on perfect cue, in walks bridget von hammersmark, dressed lovely, leg in a big white cast. the three basterds in their tuxedos, flank her. fraulein von hammersmark, what has befallen germany's most elegant swan? flattery will get you everywhere, fraulein. they chuckle, and air kiss. so what's happened to your lovely leg, a by product of kicking ass in the german cinema, no doubt. seriously, what happened? mountain climbing? that's how you injured your leg, mountain climbing? forgive me, fraulein. i don't mean laugh at your misfortune. it's just .mountain climbing? i'm curious fraulein, what could of ever compelled you to undertake such a foolhardy endeavor? the double meaning is not lost on the german actress. that cast looks as fresh as my old uncle gustave, when were you climbing this mountain, last night? hummm. and where exactly in paris is this mountain? this stops her for a seconded. then landa laughs it off, taking them off the hook. i'm just teasing you, fraulein. you know me, i tease rough. so who are your three handsome escorts? margheriti? nargheriti. dominick decocco? bravo. . bravo. have a seat fraulein. pointing at one lone chair in front of the desk. she lowers herself in the chair. instead of moving around to the other side of the desk, opposite her. the ss colonel pulls another little chair over, and places it in front of the fraulein. he sits. their knees almost touching. the colonel points to the foot not in the cast. put your foot in my lap. i assure you fraulein, my intention is not to flirt. patting his lap more with more aggression. the nervous fraulein, lifts up her strapy dress shoe enclosed foot, and places it in the colonel's lap. the colonel, very delicately, unfastens the thin straps that hold the frauleins shoe on her foot. .he removes the shoe. .leaving only the frauleins bare foot. what's that american expression. "if the shoe fits. you must wear it". he removes her foot from his lap. inform the fuhrer the audience has taken there seats, and we're ready to begin. step one, in hans master plan, done. he then dials another number. as stanley said to livingston; lt.aldo raine, i presume? you've had a nice long run, aldo. alas, your now in the hands of the ss. my hands to be exact. and they've been waiting along time, to touch you. he reaches out with his finger, and lightly touches aldo's face right in the middle of the hood. aldo's head violently flinches. caught ya flinching. in german, he orders the men put aldo in the back of a truck. aldo, bound, and bagged, is put in the truck. also in the truck is utivich, wearing a makeshift chauffeurs uniform, bound, and bagged like the lieutenant. the truck drives off. col.landa turns around, and sees from a distance, hitlers motorcade pull up to the cinema. then the fuhrer, goebbels, francesca, and the rest of the entourage, make there way down the red carpet into the cinema. landa smiles. italian? really? i speak a little tagalog, but i wouldn't begin to presume i could pass for filipino. don't get me wrong, i understand you were in a pickle, what with you losing your germans. and i have nothing but admiration for improvisation. still. chico marx is more convincing. if the three of you had shown up to the premiere dressed in womans attire, it would have been more convincing. landas eyes go to the two nazi guards behind the prisoners. so your aldo the apache? jew hunter, , i'm a detective. a damn good detective. finding people is my specialty. so naturally, i worked for the nazi's finding people. and yes, some of them were jews. but jew hunter? just the name that stuck. do you control the nicknames, your enemies bestow on you? aldo the apache and the little man? the germans nickname for you. or "the little one, ether one means you. and as if to make my point, i'm a little surprised how tall you were in real life. i mean, your a little fellow. but not circus midget little, as your reputation would suggest. bridget von hammersmark. oh i'm sure she's in whatever, big bubbling cesspool in hell, the devil reserves for traitors of her ilk. lt.aldo, if you don't think i wouldn't interrogate every single one of your swastika marked survivors. .? we simply aren't operating on the level of mutual respect i assumed. now, back to the whereabouts of your two italian saboteurs. at this moment, both hirschberg, and donowitz, should be sitting in the very seats we left them in. seats, 0023 and 0024, if my memory serves. explosives, still around there ankle, still ready to explode. and your mission, some would call a terrorist plot, as of this moment, is still a go. the two basterds don't believe this. it can't be true. however, all i have to do, is pick pick up that phone right there. inform the cinema, and your plans kupet. so gentlemen, lets discuss the prospect of ending the war-tonight. all three have their chianti filled glasses. so the way i see it, since hitlers death, or possible rescue, rests solely on my reaction. if i do nothing . it's as if i'm causing his death, even more then yourselves. would you agree? how about you uitivich? good, we more or less, all agree. gentlemen, i have no intention, of killing hitler, and killing goebbels, and killing gerring, and killing boorman, not to mention winning the war single handedly for the allies, only later, to find myself standing before a jewish tribunal. if you want to win the war, tonight, we have to make a deal. the kind you wouldn't have the authority to make. however, i'm sure this mission of yours, has a commanding officer? a general, i'm betting. for . oooh, that's a bingo. is that the way you say it, that's a bingo? bingo! how fun. but i digress, where were we? oh yes, make a deal. over there is a very capable two way radio. and sitting behind it, is a more then capable radio operator, named herrman. get me somebody on the other end of that radio with the power of the pen, to authorize my - let's call it, the terms of my conditional surrender, if that taste better going down. so, when the military history of this night is written, it will be recorded, that i was part of "operation rino" from the very beginning, as a double agent. anything i've done in my guise as a ss colonel, was sanctioned by the o.s.s., as a necessary evil to establish my cover with the germans. and it was my placement, of lt.raines dynamite in hitler and goebbels opera box that assured there demise. by the way, that last part is actually true. i want my full military pension and benefits under my proper rank. i want to receive the congregational medal of honor, for my invaluable assistance in the toppling of the third reich. in fact, i want all the members of "operation kino" to receive the congregational medal of honor. full citizenship for myself - but that goes without saying. and i would like the united states of america to purchase property for me on nantuckett island, as a reward for all the countless lives i've saved by bringing the tyranny of the national socialist party to a swifter then imanged end. do you have all that, sir? so i suppose the only thing left to do is lift a glass, and toast to donowitz and hirschbergs success. you too herrman, come over here. the four men, col.hans landa, lt.aldo raine, pvt.smithson uitivich, and herrman, lift up four glasses of wine. gentlemen, to history, and it's witnesses. okay gentlemen, you can climb down. herrman, hand them your weapon. he does. col.landa hands over his luger, and his very cool looking ss i am officially surrendering myself over to you, lt.raine. we are your prisoners. is that really necessary? as uitivich cuffs the. colonels hands behind his back, aldo are you mad? what have you done? i made a deal with your general for that mans life! you'll be shot for this.