ya got the goddamn fuckin germans, declaring open season on jews in europe, and i'm suppose to fly to the fuckin philippines, and fight a bunch of fuckin japs - not me pal. if we just go in this against the japs, the whole u.s.of fuckin a can go take a running jump at the moon. hey, stick your treason up your poop hole. if i'm gonna kill my fellow man in the name of liberty, that fellow man, will be german. ah, just dandy, mr.goorowitz. there just fine. i'm shippin off next week. the store proprietor, extends his hand to the young man. that's the idea, mr.goorowitz. i need a baseball bat. the store owner leads him to a basket with eight bats init. donny starts going through them without saying anything. no. donny's "no", silences the gabby goorowitz. he seems to settle on one, feeling it's weight in his hands. can i try this one on for size, outside? take that ya nazi basterd! you like fuckin with the jews? wanna fuck with the jews? the american jews are gonna fuck with you. ! mr.goorowitz, see's none of this, as he speaks to his mother. he hangs up the phone, just as donny walks back into the store. store owner turns to store customer. is this the heaviest ya got? mrs.himmelstein? mrs.himmelstein, i'm donny donowitz, my father sy donowitz, owns the barber shop on greeny ave, "sy's barber shop". all my life. may i have a word with you? our people in europe. she thinks for a beat, then holds the door open for the young man. very good. mrs.himmelstein, do you have any love ones over in europe who your concerned for? because i'm going to europe. and i'm gonna make it right. i'm gonna beat every nazi i find to death with it. i'm going through the neighbourhood. if you have any love ones in europe, who's safety you fear for, i'd like you to write their name on my bat. you bet your sweet ass i am. gimmie your papers. werner hands donny up his papers. donny rips the identity page out, and sticks it in his pocket.