may i join you? - merci. i apologize mademoiselle, i wasn't trying to be a pest. i was simply trying to be friendly. why not? i'm more then just a uniform. i thought i was just a uniform? most german soldiers are somebodies son. yes. no not really, i'm just teasing you. she leans back annoyed. not exactly. all my sisters, i'm the baby, but helga was the bossiest. my mother died. and my father was a loser. my fathers moto; "if at first you don't succeed, quit". the day he left, good riddance. my sisters are all i need. it's why i like your cinema. it makes me feel both closer to them, and a little homesick at the same time. the kino haus. actually, in germany, cinema attendance is up. how often do you fill your house? so if you had one big engagement, that would help you out? everybody knows that, i liked you didn't. i've shot the most enemy soldiers in world war two. so far. you bet your sweet ass that got her attention. i was alone in a bell tower in a walled off city in russia. it was myself, and a thousand rounds of ammo, in a bird's nest, against three hundred soviet soldiers. a bird's nest is what a sniper would call a bell tower. it's a high structure, offering a three hundred and sixty degree view. very advantageous for marksmen. sixty-eight. well, that's just what joseph goebbels thought. so he did. it's called "nation's pride", and guess what, they wanted me to play myself, so i did. they have posters for it in kiosks all over paris. that's another reason for all the attention. i know, comical, huh? hardly. i've been doing publicity, having my picture taken with different german luminaries, visiting troops, that sort of thing. goebbels wants the film to premier in paris, so i've been helping them in the planning. joseph is very keen on this film. he's telling anybody who will listen, when "nation's pride" is released, i'll be the german van johnson. shosanna, wasn't falling for the young german, by any stretch. however his exploits, as well as his charming manner, can't help but impress. but his referring to goebbels as "joseph", like their friends, is all she needed to get on the right side of things. this young man is trouble with a capital "t", and she needs to stay far fucking away from him. she abruptly rises, and says; good you came. i wasn't sure weather or not you'd except my invitation. yes it is, beer goebbels. emmanuelle, there is somebody i want you to meet. joseph goebbels, remaining seated, looks up at the young french girl, scrutinizing her as he spoons creme brule into his mouth. the excited fredrick introduces shosanna to the propaganda minister formally. emmanuelle mimieux, i'd like to introduce you to the minister of propaganda, the leader of the entire german film industry, and now i'm a actor, my boss, joseph goebbels. goebbels offers up his long spider-like fingers for shosanna to shake. she does. and normally, this is beer goebbels french interpreter, mademoiselle francesca mondino. and you've met the major. the gestapo officer steps up and says, to fredrick in german; - heer goebbels, i haven't informed her yet. i wanted to inform her. but beer goebbels, that's not such a terrible thing. you said yourself you didn't want to indulge every two faced french bourgeois taking up space currying favor. with less seat's it makes the event more exclusive. your not trying to fill the house, their fightin g for seats. along with being a cinema owner, emmanuelle is quite a formidable film critic. he chuckles, but alone. why don't you screen "lucky kids"? i'm sure emmanuelle hasn't seen. it. and it's so funny, i've been meaning to recommend it to her, for her german night. that's a great idea, let's watch "lucky kids" tonight. shosanna, this4pol hans landa of the ss., he'll be running security for the premier. what sort of discussion? nothing could be further from the truth colonel. your authority is beyond question. but your reputation does proceed you. should mademoiselle mimieux or myself be concerned? i was just hoping to escort mademoiselle mimieux back to her cinema. are you the manager, of this cinema? i want my money back. that actor in the movie stinks. he laughs. i came to visit you. then allow me to lend a assist. normally, you would be.right. and for all the other films i do, i intend to endure evenings like tonight, in the proper sprit. however the fact remains, this film, is based on my military exploits. and in this case, my exploits consisted of me killing many men. consequently, the part of the film that's playing now,. .i don't like watching this part. - so, i thought, i'd come up here and do what i do best, annoy you. and from the look on your face, it would appear i haven't lost my touch. let me do it? oh please, it's been two years since i've done a reel change. come on, it's my premiere. well, it's nice to know you can feel something. even if it's just physical pain. fredrick steps forward. shosanna steps backwards. i'm not a man you say, "go away" to. there's over three hundred dead bodies in russia, that if they could, would testify to that. after what i've done for you, you disrespect me at your peril. what the hell was that? while fredrick's back is turned, shosanna takes a gun out of her pocket, and shoots fredrick three times in the back. . be crashes hard into the door, then falling face first to the floor. shosanna, gun in hand, looks out projection booth window into the audience. the on screen battle rages so loudly with gunfire, that her weapon didn't stand a chance of being heard. her eyes go from the audience. .up to the big screen. .which holds fredrick zoller in a tight handsome close up. the face on the silver screen, breaks the young girl's heart. .she looks to his body, lying face down on the floor, blood flowing from the holes she put in his back. .his body moves a little, and he lets out a painful moan. .dieing though he is, at this moment, fredrick is still