that a boy, lieutenant. make it yourself, like a good chap, will you? bars in the globe. hicox heads over to the bar globe. whiskey straight. no junk in it. the lieutenant moves over to the columbus-style globe bar, and busies himself mixing spirits, playing bartender chappy. fenech, eyeing the lieutenant's file. it says here you've run three undercover commando operations in germany, and german occupied territories? frankfaurt, holland, and norway to be exact? back to them, mixing drinks, he says; it says here you speak german fluently? and your occupation before the war? his back still to us, as he bartends. list your accomplishments? what's that called? impressive. don't be modest lieutenant, what are their titles? down with hitler. are you familiar with german cinema under the third reich? explain it to me.? this little escapade of ours, requires a knowledge of the german film industry under the third reich. explain to me ufa, under goebbels? the motion pictures called; "nation's pride". we don't have any intelligence, on exactly, what the film that night will be about. yes. in attendance at this joyous germatic occasion, will be goebbels, gerring, boorman, and most of the german high command, including all high ranking officers of both the s.s., and, the gestapo. as well as luminaries of the nazi propaganda film industry. basically, we have all our rotten eggs in one basket. the objective of operation kino. blow up the basket. an american secret service outfit, that lives deep behind enemy lines, will be your assist. the germans call them; "the basterds". whole point of the secret service, old boy, you not hearing of them. but the gerrys have heard of them, because these yanks have been them the devil. their leader is a chap named lt.aldo raine. the germans call him, "aldo the apache". best guess, is because he removes the scalps of the nazi dead. the hair. he runs his finger along his hairline. like a red injun. no doubt the whole lot, a bunch a nutters. but you've heard the expression, "it takes a thief". you'll be dropped into france, about twenty four kilometers outside of paris. the basterds will be waiting for you. first thing, you go to a little village called, "nadine". apparently the gerrys never go there. in nadine, there's a tavern, called, "la louisiane", you'll rendez-vous with our double agent, and she'll take it from there. she's the one who's going to get you in the premiere. it will be you, her, and two german born members of the basterds. she's also made all the other arrangements your going to need. i suspect that won't be too much trouble for you. your contact is bridget von hammersmark. for the last two years now. one could even say operation kino was her brainchild. in the back of the room the bulldog barks; you'll go to the premiere as her escort, lucky devil. she'll also have the premiere tickets for the other two. got the gist?