- it's only the off spring of slaves that allows america to be competitive athletically. america olympic gold can measured in negro sweat. shosanna is lead through the french eatery by the gestapo major. private zoller see's her, and stands up, excuse's himself, and greets her before she reaches the table. fredrick says in french, subtitled in english; your reputation precedes you fraulein mimieux. he looks to francesca to translate, but she's just taken a big bite of terri misu. they all laugh. fredrick jumps in. well i must say, you've made quite a impression on our boy. francesca interprets goebbels german for shosanna. i must say fraulein, i should be rather annoyed with you. francesca interprets. i arrive in france, and i wish to have lunch with my star. francesca interprets. little do i know be's become the toast of paris, and now he must find time for me. francesca interprets. people wait in line hours, day's, to see me. for the fuhrer and private zoller, i wait. francesca interprets. so finally, i'm granted a audience with the young private, and he spends the entire lunch speaking of you and your cinema. francesca interprets. so fraulein mimieux, let's get down to business. private zoller interrupts - unless the girls a simpleton, i'm sure she's figured it out by now, after all she does operate a cinema. francesca, tell her. francesca tells shosanna in french; nonsense. until i ask a few questions, he has nothing to inform. let the record state, i have not agreed to a venue change. you have opera boxes? more would be better. how many seats in your auditorium? that's almost four hundred less then the ritz. fredrick jumps in. i see your public speaking has improved. it appears i've created a monster. a strangely persuasive monster. when the war's over, politics awaits. table chuckles. well private, though it is true, i'm inclined to indulge you anything. i must watch a film in this young ladies cinema before i can say, yes or no. so young lady, you are to close your cinema tonight, and have a private screening me. francesca interprets. what german films do you have? francesca asks. why not my films? francesca asks. that's nonsense fraulein. us germans are looking forward, not backwards. that era of german cinema is dead. the german cinema i create, will not only be thee cinema of europe. but the worlds only alternative to the degenerate jewish influence of hollywood. fredrick jumps in. wso it would appear. unfortunately for the fraulein, i've outlawed film criticism. zoller, thinking fast, says; ahhh, "lucky kids", "lucky kids", "lucky kids". when all is said and done, my most purely enjoyable production. not only that, i wouldn't be surprised, if sixty years from now, it's "lucky kids" that i'm the most remembered for. i know it doesn't seem like it now, but mark my words. very well, i'll have a print sent over to the fraulein'.s cinema. we'll screen "lucky kids" tonight. ah landa, your here, this is the young lady in question. the s.s. officer sits down, and it's our old friend from the first scene col hans landa. oh francesca, what was that funny thing the fuhrer said about hans? you know, you were there, it was a funny thing the fuhrer said, about hans. something about a pig? francesca's memory is jogged. oh, yes of course, that's it. so the fuhrer said, he wouldn't be surprised if hans weren't rooting out jews like a truffle pig from the play pen. do you have a engagement tonight? - break it. we're all going to the fraulein's cinema tonight to view "lucky kids". slave driver! french slave driver! they all chuckle. everybody begins to stand up from the table. . francesca gathers the stupid dogs. .as col landa stands, he says; hans, the boy means no harm, he's simply smitten. and he's correct. your reputation does proceed you. laughter all around. the reich minister and his axis entourage, make their way to front of the cafe, with the two dumb dogs on a leash, leading the way. nonsense! you can eat ice cream, and walk along the sienne another time. right now, allow col landa to do his job. everybody saystheir farewells. col landa offers the young jew in hiding a seat at a small table in the outside patio area of maxims. the fluency and poetic proficiency of the s.s. jew hunters french, revels to the audience, that his feigning clumsiness at french with monsieur lapadite in the films first scene, was simply a interrogation-technique. i must say, i appreciate the modesty of this auditorium. your cinema has real respect, almost church like. not to say we couldn't spruce the place up a bit. in versailles there's a crystal chandelier hanging in the banquet hall that is extraordinary. we're going to get it, and hang it from the very middle of auditorium roof. also i want to go to louvre, pick up a few greek nudes, and just scatter them about the lobby. perfectly understandable, dear boy. you go now, and we'll see you after the show. he exits the opera box. and walks to the projection booth door. he raps on the door in a trying to be amusing way. the door opens, just a little bit, shosanna not friendly, stares at him. be, as per usual, is all smiles and charm. they speak in french, subtitled into english;