i ought'a beat your fuckin head in aldo, she just- what? other then yiddish? i don't speak italian. yes. dominick decocco. dominick decocco. grazie. what-a? donny pantomimes again, more exaggerated, and with less patience. affirm-ato, affirm-ato. fantastic-o. what-o? oh-o, sorr-o, i-o ment-a "what-a". affirm-ato, affirm-ato. get out of his xow, and begins walking up the aisle in the middle of the cinema towards the exit. standing in the middle of the aisle, turns towards the screen. when he see's shosanna's giant face, he's gobsmacked. react. with bomb set on ankle, is caught in a massive day of the locust swarm of bodies. people frantically pound on locked doors, trapping them to there grizzly fate. the flames and fire spread through thr auditorium. hirschberg caught in people crunch, knows this is it.