how much more of these jew swine must i endure? they butcher my men like they were fish bait! this pack of filthy degenerates, are doing what the russian army didn't, and patton's army couldn't. turning soldiers of the third reich, into superstitious old women! no, no, no, no, no, no! i have heard the rumors myself! solders of the third reich, who have brought the world to there knee`s, now pecking and clucking like chickens. do you know the latest rumor they've conjured up, in their fear induced delirium? the one that beats my boys with a bat. the one they call "the bear jew". is a golem. a avenging jew angel, conjured up by a vengeful rabbi, to smite the aryans! why not? they seem to be able to elude capture like a aberration. they seem to be able to appear and disappear at will. i have a order i want relayed to all german soldiers stationed in france. the jew degenerate known as the bear jew, hence forth, is never to be referred to as the bear jew again. we will cease to aid the americans any longer in there attempt to undermine the german soldier psyche. did you get that kliest? who and what is a private butz? indeed i do want to see him, thank you for reminding me. send him in. the dogsl he fights his frustration, then. continue. how did you survived this ordel? we see pvt.butz in the fuhrer's room for the first time. he wears a nazi cap, which is unusual in the presence of the fuhrer, but he seems okay with it. you are not to tell anybody anything! not one word of detail! your outfit was ambushed, and you got a away. not one word more. did they mark you like they did the other survivors? remove your hat and show me. extraordinary joseph, simply extraordinary. this is your finest film yet. goebbels is beyond proud, he smiles to francesca, who proudly pats his hand.