sound good? they all say; i'm lt.aldo raine, and these are the basterds. ever heard of us? hugo nods his head, yes. now that leaves two ways we can play this out. either kill ya, or let ya go. now weather or not you gonna leave this circle alive, depends entirely on you. aldo takes out a map of the area, and lays it out in front of his prisoner. now werner, i'm gonna ask you one last-goddamn-time, and if you still, "respectfully refuse", i'm callin the bear jew over here, and he's gonna take that big bat of his, and he's gonna beat your ass to death with it. now take your wennersitnitzel lickin finger, and point out on this map what i want to know. yeah, that's what we thought. we don't like that. you see, we like our nazi's in uniforms. that way, you can spot 'em, just like that. but you take off that uniform, ain't nobody gonna know you was a nazi. and that don't sit well with us. aldo removes a large knife from a sheath on his belt. you know how you get to carnegie hall, don't 'ch? practice. okay, i'll buy that. he was ether there with his men waiting for us, or he was there celebrating his sons birthday, he wasn't doin both. how did he do that? okay, let's pretend there were no germans, and everything went exactly the way it was suppose to. what would of been the next step? can you still get us in that premiere? which is? and how come london don't know nothing about that? we fill ya up with morphine, till it's comin out ya ears. then just limp your little ass up that rouge car-pet. that's about it. it sounds like shit, but what else we gonna do, go home? like i said, third best. just keep your fuckin mouth shut. in fact why don't you start practising, right now. sister, you must got wunderbar luck. guess who went to beauty school? the camera whip pans to sgt.donowitz. bridget rolls her eyes. margheriti. hans landa? yep. nothin to be sorry about, son. this bag, get to anyone. well, i speak alittle italian - so your the jew hunter? how do you know our names? that's a pretty exciting story. what's next, eliza on the ice? if, their still there, and if their still alive, and that's one big if, there ain't no way, you gonna take them boys without settin off them bombs. i guess so. yeah, they made that deal, but they don't give a fuck about him, they need you.