if you offered me a scotch and plane water, i could drink a scotch and plain water. something for yourself, sir? extraordinary people, the norwegian's. like a katzenjammer kid. well sir, such as they are, i write reviews and articles, for a publication called; "films and filmmakers". as well as our sister publication. "flickers bi-monthly". and i've had two books published. "twenty-four frame da vinci". it's a subtexual film criticism study of the work of german director g.w. pabst. all the way down, sir. pardon sir? goebbels considers the films he's making to be the beginning of a new era in german cinema. a alternative to what he considers the jewish german intellectual cinema of the twenties. and the jewish controlled dogma of hollywood. suddenly. bellowing from the back of the room; quite well, actually. since goebbels has taken over, film attendance has steadily risen in germany over the last eight years. but louis b.mayer wouldn't be goebbels proper opposite number. i believe goebbels see's himself closer to david o.selznick. gen.fenech looks to the prime minister. with a puff of cigar smoke, churchell says; - what film sir? the general has to resort to peeking at his file. oh, you mean the film about private zoller? but it's called "nation's pride"? i can tell you what it's about, it's about private fredrick zoller. he's the german sgt.york. fenech can't help suppress a smile, they have the right man. the master race at play, aye? ". and like the snows of yesteryear, gone from this earth". jolly good, sir. "the basterds", never heard of them. why do they call him that? scalps, sir? rather gruesome sounding little dicky bird, isn't he? indeed. general fenech continues on with his exposition, moving over to a military map. how will i know her? bridget von hammersmark? the german movie star is working for england? i think so, sir. paris when it sizzles. the three british bulldogs laugh. i didn't know. it is a tavern. we wait. don't worry, she's a british spy, she'll make the rendez-vous. we see the other basterds, dressed in french civilian clothes, are in the room as well, they are, donowitz, hirschberg, and utivich. and in the back of the room, dressed in the grey uniform of a s.s. lieutenant, hugo stiglitz sits off by himself, sharpening his s.s. dagger on his leather belt looped around his boot. anybody not in the scene from the basterds opening chapter, is dead. lt.hicox watches stiglitz off by himself on the other side of the room, sharpens his dagger menacingly. .stiglitz is fucking werid. lt.hicox approaches stiglitz. i hear your pretty good with that? meaning the blade. stiglitz doesn't answer. you know, we're not looking for trouble, right now. we're simply making contact with our agent. should be uneventful. however, on the off chance i'm wrong, and things prove eventful. i need to know, we can all remain calm. well, now you put it like that, i guess you do. he turns his attention back to his blade. hicox moves over to aldo, and asks him privately; fair point, lieutenant. if we get into trouble, we can handle it. but if trouble does happen, we need you to make damn sure no germans, or french, for matter, escape from that basement. if frau von hammersmark's cover is compromised, the mission is kaput. she chose the spot. look, she's not a military strategist. she's just a actress. she wasn't picking a place to fight. she was picking a place, isolated, and without germans. shit. sgt.donowitz chides him; - obviously, i don't know,sgt. the british officer watches the german soldier, who's not suppose to be there. when hugo stiglitz joins him at the window. stiglitz looks down at the urinating nazi, s.s. dagger in hand. no hurry, frau von hammersmark. take your time, enjoy yourself. i thought this place was suppose to have more french then germans? she's right, just be calm, and enjoy your booze. why? none of your business,sgt. you might not have worn out your welcome with the fraulein, with your drunken boorish behavior, but you have wore out your welcome with me. the table of game playing soldiers, hear this, and get quiet. might i remind you sgt.,your a enlisted man. this is a officers table. i suggest you stop pestering the fraulein, and rejoin your table. the german master sgt., looks quizzically at the officer. i was born in the village that rests in the shadow of piz palu. yes. in that village we all speak like this. have you seen the riefenstahl film? in that scene was myself, my father, my sister, and my two brothers. my brother is so handsome, the director pabst, gave him a close up. as bridget von hammersmark places a cigarette in a ivory cigarette holder, which hicox, as if on cue, lights for her, she says; aside from having a drink with the lovely fraulein? well, there in lies the problem. we never claimed to be worth knowing. chuckle. chuckle. attending goebbels film premiere as the frauleins escort. somebody has to carry the lighter. chuckle chuckle. major, i don't mean to be rude. but the four of us are very good friends. and the four of us haven't seen each other in quite a while. so. major, i'm afraid, you are intruding. your most gracious, sir. five glasses. three glasses. eric brings the three glasses, and the old bottle, pouring for the three soldiers. major helistrom lifts up his beer stein, and toasts; why do you have a luger pointed at my testicles? well, -major - i was saying that makes two of us. i've had a gun pointed at your balls since you sat down. there's a special rung in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch. and seeing as i might be rapping on the door momentarily. he downs the stuff. (to the nazi now about this, "pickle", we find ourself's in. it would appear, there's only thing left for you to do. stiglitz.