i'll start, give you the idea. am i german? they laugh. am i a american? they laugh - but then wicki says; so. . i visited america, aye? the table says; "yes". was this vist. fortuitous? bummm. my native land, is it what one would call, exotic? the table confers, and decides, yes it is exotic. hummmm. that could be ether a reference to the jungle, or the orient. i'm going to let my first instinct take over, and ask, am i from the jungle? the tablesays; "yes you are". now gentlemen, around this time you could ask, weather your real or fictitious. i however, think that's too easy, so i won't ask that, yet. okay, my native land is the jungle? i visited america, but my visit was not fortuitous to me, but the implication is that it was to somebody else. when i went from the jungle to america,. .did i go by boat? "yes". did i go against my will? "yes". on this boat ride, . . was i in chains? when i arrived in america,. was i displayed in chains? "yes". am i the story of the negro in america? the table says, "no". well then i must be king kong. be throws the card on the table. they applaud him.