try the wine mademoiselle, it's quite good. goebbels looks across the table at her. duly noted. goebbels speaks german to shosanna; better known as "the jew hunter". the table laughs. like the young newly christened father, i too have a acute ear for accents. and like him, i too find yours odd. from where do you hail, cap't? wicki jumps in; t wasn't speaking to you lt.saltzberg, (turning to the mountain? yes. yes i do. you should rejoin your friends. which the young sgt is more then happy to do. that table begins playing there game again. major hellstrom, the highest ranking officer in the room, bows graciously to the female german celebrity. may i join you? so that's the source of your bazaar accent? extraordinary. so what are you doing here cap't? well that pleasure requires no explanation. chuckle. chuckle i mean in country. your obviously not stationed in france, or i'd know who you are. all levity aside, what are you doing in france? your the frauleins escort? well, in that case, let me raise a glass to the three luckiest men in the room. i must say, that game their playing looks like a good bit of fun. i didn't join them, because your quite right cap't, officers and enlisted men shouldn't fraternize. but seeing as we're all officers here, (bowing to so the object of the game, is to write the name of a famous person on your card. real or fictitious, doesn't matter. for instance, you could write confucius or fu manchu. (he snaps his so let's give it a try, shall we? everybody write your names. the five players write their names. then move their cards to the right. everybody sticks their cards on their forehead. nov since i answered correctly, you all need to finnish your drinks. the three counterfeit nazi's knock back their whiskey. now, who's next? i beg to differ cap't. it's only if the fraulein considers my presence a intrusion, that i become a intruder. how about it fraulein? am i intruding? i didn't think so. it's simply the young cap't is immune to my charms. the table's not sure what to do, is this a confrontation? then, the major laughs. i'm just joking, of course i'm intruding. allow me to refill your glasses gentlemen, and i will bid you and the fraulein adieu. eric has a bottle of thirty-three year old single malt scotch whisky from the scottish highlands. what do you say gentlemen? eric, the thirty-three, and new glasses! you don't want to contaminate the thirty- three with the swill you were drinking. not me. i like scotch, scotch doesn't like me. to a thousand year reich! they all mutter, "a thousand year reich", and toast glasses. the gestapo major puts down his beer stein, and then we hear a click, under the table. did you hear that? that's the sound of my luger pointed right at your testicles. because you've just given yourself away, cap't. your no more german then that scotch. - shut up slut. you were saying? hummmmm . looks like we have a bit of a sticky situation here. no no no no no no, i don't think so. i'm afraid you and i both know, no matter what happens to anybody else in this room, the two of us aren't going anywhere. too bad about them though. they seem like a likeable you two will have to shoot them. oh bridget, your concern for german troops, gets me .right here. you mean for the sake your whore legs, don't you? you can't afford to get any bullet holes in them, your not finished spreading them for all the hollywood jews. lt.hicox picks up his thirty-three year old single malt scotch, and says;