sgt.werner rachtman has seen many interrogations since germany decided it should rule europe. but this is the first time he's ever been on the wrong end of the exchange. it's always been his belief, only a weakling, in mind, body, and spirt complies with the enemy under threat of consequence. as werner watched men cry like women, pleadingly offer their knowledge, in exchange for their worthless lives, he made a vow to himself. if his role is to die in this conflict. when they put him under the earth, his dignity would be buried with him. for in the other world, the gods only respect the ones they test first. well sgt, this is your test. and the gods are watching. the captured german sgt, enters the circle of basterds, stands straight before the sitting southern lieutenant, and salutes his captor. the reason for hugo stiglitz's celebrity among german soldiers is simple. we see a photo of hugo on the front page of the nazi version of stars and stripes . as a german enlisted man, he killed thirteen gestapo officers, mostly majors. instead of putting him up against a wall, the high command decided to send him back to berlin, to be made a example of. hugo in chains, being put in a lone troop truck, part of a prison convoy, enroute to berlin. needless to say, once the basterds heard about him, he never got there. to operate a cinema in paris during the occupation, one had two choices. ether you could show new german propaganda films, produced under the watchful eye of joseph goebbels. or. .you could have a german night in your weekly schedule, and show allowed german classic films. their german night was thursday. shosanna, by herself, perched up high on the ladder, changing the letters on the marquee. a young german soldier , walks out of the cinema. he sees the ladder with the young french girl on top, and walks over. they speak french, subtitled into english; francesca mondino is much more then goebbels french interpreter. she's also goebbels favorite french actress to appear in his films. and goebbels favorite french mistress, to act in his bed. we see just a super quick shot of goebbels fucking francesca while shosanna sits there pretending to be amused by the aryan antics of goebbels frank capra copy, "lucky kids", a thought suddenly comes to her. we see her face get slightly distracted behind the eyes. what if tonight, accidently, the cinema burned down? the third reich would lose it's minister of propaganda, it's national hero, and it's top jew hunter, all in one fell swoop. she chuckles at the thought, though it looks like she's laughing at the german comedy. the screening of "lucky kids" was a complete success. and heer goebbels conceded to have the venue changed to shosannas cinema. not only that, in a moment of inspiration, heer goebbels had a idea. goebbels speaks german, and francesca translates; as they left the little french cinema that night, all the germans were very happy. we see private zoller hanging back, so he.can say goodbye. none more so then private zoller. she closes the door on him. watching the nazi's walk into the paris night. their shadows, for a moment onawall, look like grotesque nazi charcthers. 4644 the nazi's are gone. marcel sits at the top of the staircase of the lobby, looking down at shosanna. they speak in french subtitled into english;