werner and i were the only ones left alive after the ambush. while one man guarded us, the rest removed the hair. all the basterds wore german scalps tied to their belts. they not only took valuables. they also took their identification papers. and tore out the identification page. utivich rips the page out, and sticks it in his pocket. tossing the torn book on the dead, scalpless body. they then removed their boots. throwing them away from the bodies. the basterds, took their lives, their hair, their valuables, their identity, and finally their dignity in death. true that. the sight of the dead soldiers with bare feet does rob the tableaux of a certain dignity, that is normally felt in battlefield shots. watches. hirschberg says to him; yes, sir. this area here. maybe twelve. they have a machine gunn dug in here pointing north. yes mine fuhrer. yes mine fuhrer. i will hug my mother like i've never hugged her before. not only shall i remove it, but i intend to burn it! the young german is telling aldo, what he thinks, aldo wants to hear. but the last answer didn't go down as well as he thought it would, evident by the frown on aldo's face.