back to us, still haven't seen his face. he babe ruths a rock soaring into the atmosphere. he turns to camera, and yells; yeah? you know lieutenant, your getting pretty good at that. speaking of frau von hammersmark, who's idea was it for the death trap redez-vous? well isn't that just dandy? so what do you think your fraulein von hammer - andi amo. morphine! we need morphine! the old man tries to explain in french, that he's not a human doctor. morphine!!! morephine!!! the old man begs him to stop, and goes to get the morphine. what? fuck a duck? aldo stands up from the chair, pacing as he takes in this new information. we both speak alittle italian. enzo gorlomi. gorlomi. they-o look-o screen-a, not-o you-a. after-teri, set-ta, five-o moment-o (pointing to confuse-i, confuss-i, confuss-i. what-a, and-o what-o, same-o? after-teri, you-a set-ta boom-a, five-o moment-o, you-a, fuck-o pphisst. good-a, luck-a.