what do you mean, not really? of course he is. do one for us. the tableheartily agrees. bridget looks directly at the master sgt, and does a perfect, and perfectly funny, double take. the table loves it. frau von hammersmark, i was just thinking, could you sign a autograph to my son on his birthday? thank you, heil hitler. he raises his hand . as do the seated phony officers; "heil hitler". as she takes a rather fancy fountain pen from her clutch. i most certainly do, fraulein. his name is maximilian. even the slightly psychotic stiglitz, likes this german sgt. thank you, lieutenant. when he's old enough to ride a bicycle, i will buy him a blue one. and i will paint on the side "the blue max". he thrusts out his beer stein, for the officers to cheers. they do. bridget finishes signing her autograph, with a big flourish. thank you fraulein, thank you. max may not know who you are now. but he will. i will show him all of your movies. he will grow up with your films, and this napkin on his wall. then, to the whole tavern. i purpose a toast to the greatest actress in germany! there is no dietrich, there is no riefenstahl, only von hammersmark! the whole room toasts. this would be a good time for the german sgt to go back to his table, and his men. and he almost does. but. since he is drunk, and star struck, he out wears his welcome. so, frau von hammersmark, what brings you to france? excuse me cap't, but your accent is is very unusual. the whole room pauses-for different reasons. where are you from? a silent moment passes between the two tables, then the two german born impostors spring into action. falls to the floor in the confusion. female sgt.beethoven and stiglitz bring their guns toward each other and fire. they both take and give each other so many bullets, it's almost romantic when they collapse dead on the floor. comes the a chine gunn, whole thehroom;,bwipi ngeric. the shooting stops. the smoke caused by the gunfire . starts to dissipate. the only one in the room left alive, is the young german sgt, with the machine gunn. we hear the feet of the soldiers outside, reach the basement entrance. the door opens. , .the german sgt, sends fifty bullets in the doors direction. no one goes through it. what we have here, is a rabbit hole like situation. no one inside is getting out, no one outside is getting in. the young german sgt, yells in english, to the outside;