i grew up, tuck. i wear a suit now. take him home, lydia. lydia begins to lead tuck away. but she leaves his side for a brief moment to snatch back her tape recorder from roving eyes' unsuspecting hands. great place to have a meeting. let's get to the point, all right? the satellite missile guidance system. what are you talking about? bullshit. action man didn't work! all right. set it up. but you better have something, niles, or i'm pulling the plug on you and your entire misfit operation. with that, blanchard marches off. relax, would ya? by the way -- who's your guy? your pilot? your guy inside the * pod? * pendelton? oh, nothing. except tuck pendelton's got the worst attitude problem in military history. he's been drummed out of every space program since gemini -- and he drinks like a fish. however. the dumb sonofabitch did save my life once. niles gives blanchard a look. he pulled me out of my space capsule when it caught fire on the pad. of course the only reason he got to me so fast was because he had sneaked into a restricted area where he wasn't allowed. i have nothing to say, lydia. that's absolutely untrue. and you can quote me on that. get the press back. you've been hit good. professional work. who'd want to do this to you? i hope you know that we can't get involved in this. you're on your own now. we've got to keep our hands clean. this is your baby. you change the dirty diapers. what about him? pendelton's been around the military long enough to know that every mission contains an element of risk. there's nothing we can do to help pendelton now. the chip's gone and his air supply runs out in -- -- almost twenty hours. start the car. get me out of here. that one was for tuck, lydia! you can tell him i've put my uniform back on. we're taking you in, lydia. follow us down. 421 int. the stomach * fire on board! blanchard rushes forward to open the hatch.