no, jack. jack, please! let's not have a falling out. your monthly office visit is the cornerstone of my entire medical practice. anything besides the nausea? headaches. okay. anything else? hmmm. okay. very vivid. that it? i won't think anything until we run the usual tests. slip out of those clothes, would you? you're fine, jack. i can't find anything wrong with you. jack looks disappointed. everything checks out. jack can't believe his ears. he seems ready to demand his money back. you are under a lot of stress, however. you're way too uptight, jack. look -- do you have any vacation time coming? you need a rest. get away for some r & r. peace and quiet -- that's my prescription for you. a little voice inside your ear, huh? okay, jack, let's just have a look and see. greenbush raises his ear-exam flashlight to jack's ear. didn't see a thing, jack. why don't you just go home and try to get some rest.