feels like it starts about here, then swoops around and comes up to here, then -- zoom! -- heads back down to about here, and that's when i start to feel nauseous and. greenbush tries unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn. am i boring you? because if i'm boring you, just tell me. you're not the only internist in the phone book, you know. headaches. big, pounding headaches. lots of pain. yeah. the dream. want to hear it? i'm at work. i'm at the market. i'm working one of the registers. the next customer is this lady with bright orange hair, mrs. mulrooney. she's a * regular. she's wearing those pointy -- * you know -- harlequin sunglasses. with little sparkly things in them. and a lime green jumpsuit with a three-inch wide red vinyl belt. yeah. i have the same dream every night. anyway, i'm passing her stuff over the bar-code scanner, and i don't notice it, but the computer's gone nuts, and it's ringing up all the wrong prices. i mean, twelve-hundred dollars for a can of coffee! so when i'm all done, i look at the register and the total's like way over a hundred thousand dollars. so mrs. mulrooney says to me, real * calm, 'i don't carry that kind of money on me, sweetie, will you take this instead'. . and she reaches down into her purse and comes out with a 357 magnum this long and shoves the barrel into my face and pulls back on the trigger -- and that's when i wake up screaming!. yeah. what do you think? what?. uptight? are you sure that's the correct medical term? sorry, mr. wormwood. doctor's appointment. i'm fine. do you have any aspirin on you? we had a date last night, you know? our date. last night. you forgot? how could you forget? wendy. i'm not a part of your life. to which wendy merely shrugs her shoulders and snaps her gum. cut to: -- i'll take relaxation. no excitement. doctor's orders. as long as it isn't too exciting. well. i didn't think it'd be this expensive, but. sorry, mr. wormwood. you wouldn't believe what happened to me this morning. hi, wendy. well, i. the dream. it's the dream. the dream has come true. wormwood arrives to take charge, glances at the register. it's the dream. oh, no. here comes the gun. i need some aspirin -- -- please! i beg you for an aspirin. coffee! great, wendy. that's just what i need. okay. thanks, mr. wormwood. jack rises from his chair -- discovers that the arm he was resting on wormwood's desk is covered with paper clips. jack looks puzzled. he tries to brush them off, but can't. you talking to me? okay, fellas -- what's the joke? you! it's you. in here?? where's in here?! yes, of course. however, i've apparently just gone insane!! he jumps back into his car and squeals away. where are you!? who are you!? you know my name! stay calm, jack. don't panic. take your doctor's advice: get some rest. it even sees what i'm doing! i'm going to sleep for a little while. not long. say, two or three days. and when i wake up, if you're not gone -- too late. voice? are you still there? oh, no! it's back. i'm not listening to you. i think i'll watch some tv! ha! try and stop me! jack picks up the remote control and turns on the tv. okay! forget the tv! oh, noooooo!! the tv explodes. the sofa is blown over backwards and jack goes flying with it. i -- i want to. yeah. sure. that's us? wow. what a day i'm having. officer. excuse me, officer. what's going on -- did you hear that? who is he? -- lost him! yeah. why?. hey! i can hear them! sounds like you're being kissed off. we?? what can i do? this is really bad timing. i mean, i just got a few extra days vacation, and on monday i'm supposed to leave on a cruise. you know. that isn't much time. i mean, what happens if we fail? what happens if we don't get this chip back and your air supply runs out? what happens then?! tuck's voice * then you've got a miniaturized * submersible pod floating around * your insides with a tiny, little * human skeleton at the helm. * aaagghh! i need some aspirin. my head is killing me. maybe it's my allergies. the door. yeah. oh, well. okay. sure. roommate? no. i live here alone. how do you know? they're watching my car. where am i going? how am i gonna pay for it? nice place. what a dump. i don't drink. oh. more than one drink, i think. . how's this? didn't you just save my life? you warned me about that phony messenger. -- so just shut up about the kleenex! well. uh. huh? one more time! wack! jack does it one more time. it feels good! where?? here she comes. lydia arrives at the car. jack opens his mouth to speak, but doesn't get a chance: lydia, shut up and listen!! lydia looks shocked. jack wants to eat his words. oh, no -- it's them! hop in! hop in! tuck's in trouble! he needs your help! lydia takes a chance. she jumps in beside jack and the ferrari squeals away from the curb. bad guys! very bad guys! the black sedan also comes to a stop -- about ten cars back. i don't see 'em. i think we gave 'em the slip! you might say tuck's been taken hostage. that's a little hard to explain. we need something called a 'pem' to get him back. it's a micro- chip. it was taken from the vector-scope lab this morning. there's no time for long explanations and police reports. as a matter of fact, we only have. sixteen hours. not a chance. i gotta pee real bad! i can't believe i said that! you didn't tell me she was going * to be so beautiful. absolutely. and i think we should tell her the truth, too. what's so bad about being small? the customer now comes up behind jack. never mind. jack flushes the urinal -- watches the water swirl down the drain. you still there? just checking. i can see it!! ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!. jack holds on for dear life -- his feet kicking in midair, several feet above the surface of the roadway. let go!? are you crazy!! lydia steers the ferrari in closer to the truck. what has this got to do with tuck? maybe i can hear. i mean it. let me try. he's leaving a message for somebody. victor scrimshaw. hey! that was the guy in the truck! he's staying at the mark hopkins hotel. he wants scrimshaw to pick him up at six in the morning. he says he never sleeps. you're pretty wonderful yourself. who is victor scrimshaw, anyway? get where? this place looks like a ferrari owner's convention! huh?. how'd you know this was here? okay. c'mon, tuck. who can blame me? she's one in a million. what's the deal between you two, anyway? great! a plan. let's do it. me. yeah. but i don't look like the cowboy. all right. i'll do it. i have a plan. i'm not afraid. then don't start now. well. i do have two years of high school drama under my belt. as a matter of fact, i once understudied the sky masterson role in a production of guys and dolls. we're not exactly dressed for a night on the town. you look. beautiful. what's the matter? a door. don't worry. i'm in. uh. constant touch with him. trust me, lydia. the time will come when i'll tell you everything. but this isn't it. the cab's pulling over! wendy. uh. look at you, wendy. oh, for a while now. hi, cowboy. i hope he means golf. i'll go with you! sorry, wendy. gotta go. i'm speeding now! i'm doing fifty! hey -- i don't want them together any more than you do! well, i. i hardly know her! are you?! you are! shit. i can feel it! i feel strong! there's his room! where were you?? ooops. fine, fine. just give me a few more minutes. ahhhh!! the cowboy observes this hideous display with frantic alarm. his eyes pop and he struggles against his gag and bindings. that's it. that's his nose exactly! perfect! yup. showtime! open the door. lydia opens the door to two of igoe's henchmen. good. let's hit the trail. why, nonsense, boys -- i don't go nowhere without this little filly. the henchmen shrug indifferently. lydia smiles at jack. as they leave the room, jack is certain to leave the do not disturb sign dangling from the doorknob. do you think we're close friends? uh. you tell me. oh, yes. how could i forget. canker * * you haven't forgotten the last time * we saw each other, have you, cowboy? * jack smiles uncomfortably. * lifts. fine. i'll take what you've got. canker and scrimshaw exchange a look. right. we'll whet their appetites with what we've got! the ring? but -- but -- but -- but. scrimshaw snaps his fingers and igoe enters the solarium. lydia quickly turns her face away, fearing igoe will recognize her. igoe holds a surgical scalpel in his hand -- sunlight glistens off its blade. lydia -- catch! we've got to get out of here! there's only two hours left! don't just stand there. help! i don't think she believes me. okay. lydia. you were right. i do fight too much, and i do drink too much, and i have ruined everything that's good in my life. you were the best thing in it, lydia. and i threw you away, too. i'm a big dumb palooka. just like you said i was. lydia is convinced. her mouth drops open and her eyes moisten. she's looking at jack, but she's seeing tuck. okay! wait a minute here! lydia looks perplexed, as well she might considering the situation. tuck, i want a moment alone! shut down your sensors. no sound. no picture. i want a moment alone. you owe me this, tuck! it dawns on lydia that she's in the middle. silence. then: lydia. i'm not sure what i want to say to you. i've only known you for less than a day, but -- well, no time for words! tuck! give me some adrenaline! make me strong, tuck! jack strains and strains and strains. his veins pop out in his neck, and. snap! snap! snap! snap! he frees himself. so! you wanted to enlarge the pod while it was still inside me, huh! well, let's see who has the last laugh now! everybody into the miniaturizer! let's go! here it comes, tuck! so saying, he pops the chip into his mouth and swallows it. at the same moment, lydia comes up behind the henchman and clubs him over the head with her gun. he once again sinks to his knees. i swallowed it! lydia winces to herself. now they realize that they have sealed themselves into a dead-end hallway. but they spot a ladder that leads to a trap door in the ceiling. let's go! don't worry. tuck's given me the strength of ten men! i'll handle this. c'mon, tuck! tell me how to fly this thing! -- not now, lydia! tuck, give me instructions! for how long?. you mean. when i broke. and when i hit. and when he fell over the thing. it wasn't tuck who. wow! what was that for!? oh. that was close! how do i find vector-scope? i can't get it back up into the -- oh, nooooo! aaahhh! he's got it! lydia gives a silent cheer. we're over san jose now. how's your air supply? tuck? how do i land this thing!? tuck! can't anything ever be easy!? sneeze?? i can't sneeze! ah. ahhh. ahhhhhh -- chooooo!! glad to have you back, captain. you don't have to say anything. i know you're in love with each other. tuck and lydia feel good and bad at the same time. look. this has been the most exciting twenty-four hours of my life. i've been chased, kidnapped, frozen, electrified, amplified, magnetized and terrorized -- and i haven't felt this good since high school. it wasn't rest i needed. it was adventure. and for one day it was mine. we made a good team, didn't we? lydia smiles and gives jack a kiss. dissolve to: bon voyage! happy honeymoon!