good as any. do these bananas look ripe to you? okay. we've made a breakthrough. uh. we haven't perfected that just yet. we got a bit sidetracked. blanchard draws back apprehensively. i'm talking about the world in an eyedropper. miniaturization. we can shrink anything. right down to the size of -- -- a pea. even smaller than that. we brought in ozzie wexler. the name draws a blank with blanchard. the man who invented action man, the 3-d video game. yes it did. the bottom dropped out of the video market, that's all. the public never gave it a chance. blanchard seems totally exasperated and pissed off. come and see for yourself what we've done. we're late. we've missed the best part of the experiment. huh? oh. somebody you know, i think. captain tuck pendelton. yeah. what's wrong? anybody -- or any country -- that wants to leapfrog a decade's worth of research. but. what about pendelton? he's out there somewhere. he saved your life once! quickly! quickly!