uh. experiment number 27-g-5000. time. eight-hundred hours. date what are you doing? don't pan anywhere! keep the camera on me. miniaturization is achieved through the pairing of two 5000- series photon echo memroy chips. called 'pems' for short. the two chips are intergrated, but electronically opposed. only one is necessary for miniaturization, but both are required for re-enlargement. keep rolling. i want a record of everything. nervous? do you really need that? tuck removes a flask from his pocket -- pauses to con- sider it -- then pours its contents down the sink. you're taking it anyway? okay. now remember -- trust your on-board computer. use it. i know you've studied, but don't rely on yourself when you don't have to. the computer's been programmed to answer any question you might have. maybe we should review our objects one more time. the game works! it's not my fault the public lost interest in video! good luck, captain. don't worry. you've got a 24-hour supply. that's just too bad. do you read me, captain? engage pem number one. engage pem number two. activate miniaturization sphere. raise the sphere. nice work, team. now let's get the pod into the syringe. cut to: