dr. canker! get in here! well? do we need him alive? jack's eyes widen at this. bring a blanket! knock it off, margaret! here comes a blanket. the henchman clambers into the truck with an instantly produced blanket and drapes it over jack's shoulders. no, no. go on ahead. it's a short trip. i'm going to stay back here and keep an eye on him. forget it, margaret. take the limo. canker packs up her medical bag as if she didn't care. nuclear weapons, jack?. . they mean nothing. everybody's got 'em; nobody's got the balls to use 'em. am i right? jack shivers silently, not daring to say a word. space you say? space is a flop. didn't you know that? an endless junk yard of orbiting debris. ahhhh. but miniaturization, jack. that's the ticket. it's the edge everyone's been looking for. but who will have that edge, jack? what country will control miniaturization? frankly, i don't give a shit. i'm only in this for the money. and that's why we gotta get that little pod out from inside of you. huh! you stupid idiot! stop the truck! stop the truck! ooomph! jack and the door swing back out over the highway, and scrimshaw tumbles backwards into the boxes of frozen foods. margaret! i'm meeting with the cowboy tomorrow morning and i still don't have that other chip! -- we had him! he slipped right through our fingers! i'm thinking maybe your boy igoe's not all he's cracked up to be, margaret! canker's eyes begin to blaze. just find that idiot supermarket clerk -- and don't let the cowboy out of your sight, either! igoe takes the phone from canker's hands and hangs it up. she turns and throws open his robe revealing a tattoo on his chest. hello, cowboy. come in. sit down. join us. how long has it been, cowboy? almost ten years. both jack and lydia look relieved. don't you remember? idi amin's barbecue. you look taller, cowboy. * sit down. coffee? please join me. i believe these are the kind you like. cuban. all right, then. so much for the pleasantries. let's get down to business. dr. canker. good point. show him the chip. canker takes a gold pill box from her pocket and places it on the table. jack and lydia conceal their excitement. not so fast, my friend. if i let you take the chip, you must leave something behind as collateral. that. no. the finger. don't worry, cowboy. when it comes to re-attaching severed limbs, dr. canker here has pioneered the field. god in heaven, deliver us from satan! a servant drops the coffee pot with a crash. canker gasps. lydia screams. and then. grab him! get outta there!! hey, don't kill him! lock him up. the girl, too. igoe releases jack, who has gone cross-eyed from igoe's squeezing. good. we'll take the choppers. what is it? what job? where can we stash the girl? wait a minute. after igoe takes command of their pod, how do we get the chip out? why chance it? as soon as he takes over the pod and gets the chip, let's re-enlarge! sure. look! he's loose! grab him! i'll get you for this, margaret!