it's a peabody, mike. when you're dead and buried, hezbollah is the one they're gonna remember you for. i heard wigand's deposition got sealed. corporate has some questions. we've got a meeting at black rock first thing in the morning. interfering? that's what we do. why? you think we have liability? what's the cbs news' position, eric? lunch? kluster's coming over. it's an alternate version. so what if we have an alternate version? and i don't think her being cautious is so damned unreasonable. yeah, i heard rumors. are you suggesting that she and eric are influenced by money? cbs does not do that. and, you're questioning our journalistic integrity?! you're exaggerating! you are a fanatic. an anarchist. you know that? if we can't have a whole show, then i want half a show rather than no show. but oh, no, not you. you won't be satisfied unless you're putting the company at risk! so, what are you going to do? you're taking "no" for an answer? then what are you going to do? end up in a high-profile lawsuit with lowell, the first amendment martyr? i don't think so. take a look at this. this is a summary of a dossier that's being prepared. he would lie about his whole life? who's going to believe him about anything he says? the wall street journal's doing a major story and i think the post. you backed the wrong horse. what the hell are you doing? no, not that. i'm talking about the associated press. they got this story that we pulled this interview and they talked to mike and i. did you tell them that we were lying? hey! i'm not going to fire you, okay? take a vacation. now! they conclude most of it seems pretty unsubstantiated. you're full of shit, john. the news division has been vilified in the new york times, in print, on television, for caving to corporate interests! the new york times ran a blow by blow of what we talked about behind closed doors! you fucked us! mike, you tell him. hey, it's old news! stick with me. like always, we'll be okay. these things have a half-life of fifteen minutes.