oh, i didn't know you were home. it's early. isn't it? gotta take debbie to ballet. if you are, then i'll take barbara to soccer and take you to dance after. don't you have to be at the office? yes, it's on the stove. how about you? i'm sorry, darling, have you seen my coffee mug? uh, what are those boxes? what do you need at the store? right now? why did you take your stuff from the office? i don't understand. why? who said? what are we supposed to do? what about our medical coverage; what about our health? what about our car payments? the payments on this house? no, thank you. he doesn't want to talk to you. jeffrey, you forgot their lunches -- that's where our babies were born. debbie took her first steps, right there. in the grass. i didn't plan on this. i'm cooking pasta primavera. i'm going to have to go downstairs. debbie, barbara. debbie! i told him that you had an e-mail death threat that said if you didn't shut the "f" up, they were going to kill you. yes, very. you know, i enjoy your work so much. when you're talking to somebody, i always feel like i'm right there. taping? what are you taping? an interview! do you know what they will do to us! i thought. sorry. i'm going to the store. please explain our new "houseguests" to your children. please don't wash your hands in the sink. use the bathroom. that's for food. i don't think i can do this. i want to stand by my husband. i really do, jeffrey. but i don't think i can do this anymore. i am so sorry. yes. jeffrey. what do you want to buy him for a gift? that remote control thing? alright, we'll do that tomorrow. yes, baby?