what that is is tobacco's standard defense. it's the "we don't know" litany: "addiction? we believe not. disease? we don't know. we take a bunch of leaves, roll 'em together. you smoke 'em. after that? you're on your own. we don't know." so. tells me nothing. besides, you'll never get what he's got. the unlimited checkbook. that's how big tobacco wins every time. on everything. they spend you to death. $600 million a year in outside legal. chadbourne-parke. ken starr's firm, kirkland and ellis. listen. gm and ford, they get nailed after 11 or 12 pick-ups blow up. right? these clowns have never. i mean ever. not even with hundreds of thousands dying each year from an illness related to their product. have ever lost a personal-injury lawsuit. on this case, they'll issue gag orders, sue for breach, anticipatory breach, enjoin him, you, us, his pet dog, the dog's veterinarian. tie him up in litigation for ten of fifteen years. i'm telling you, they bat a thousand. every time. he knows that. that's why he's not gonna talk to you. what do you mean compelled? yeah. if you could engineer it into the court record, you might have something. they would have a helluva time trying to restrain his speech then, wouldn't they? he's gonna need attorneys who aren't afraid of risking years of litigation. and millions of dollars of their own dough in legal costs.