it could work. if it's public record, it's public record. he sure as hell will. that's right. if you violate the kentucky order, when you step foot back in kentucky, they can find you in contempt and they can incarcerate you. and you ought to know that. okay, jeff, i'm going to sit you down at that table over there. i'm going to start as fast as possible. i don't want to give them a chance to get another restraining order, okay? let's go. you understand, dr. wigand, you are under oath. this is a sworn deposition. there's no judge. it's not a trial. will you state your name for the record. in other words, it acts as a drug? it acts as a drug on the body? it acts as a. there an echo in here? your objection's been recorded. she typed it into her little machine over there. it's on the record. so now i'll proceed with my deposition of my witness. does it act as a drug? oh, you got rights and lefts! ups and downs and middles! so what?! you don't get to instruct anything around here! this is not north carolina, not south carolina nor kentucky. this is the sovereign state of mississippi's proceeding. wipe that smirk off your face! dr. wigand's deposition will be part of this record. and i'm going to take my witness' testimony! whether the hell you like it or not! answer the question, dr. thank you, doctor. thank you.