hold on. mobile approach. this is lear november 643. over. request a flight level 220, on a heading of 284 degrees. over. mr. bergman? alright. i'll call you then. that's right. what's your interest in this, mr. bergman? has he decided to go public? because let me tell you, we've been doing this for three years now, and we've worked with a lot of corporate cases involving whistle-blowers, so we know. big tobacco will do everything in their power to stop him. so, is your man truly committed? well, we'd certainly be interested in making his acquaintance, but without knowing what he's going to do. it would be better if he called us. alright? hello. my co-counsel, ron motley, and i have filed a lawsuit against the tobacco industry on behalf of the state of mississippi to get the state reimbursed medicaid costs for treating people with smoking-related illness. if you'd be interested in talking to us, we'd certainly like to talk to you. now, what this one is, is a temporary restraining order, a gag order, issued by a kentucky court. jeff wigand, michael moore. mike's our attorney general down here. i was just explaining to jeff, they got a kentucky court to issue a gag order to stop his deposition today. now, they tried to get the mississippi court to honor it, but the judge threw it out. however, for you, there is a more perilous effect to the kentucky gag order. possibly, yes. that is one of the possible consequences of your testifying here today. that's right. i know what you're facing, jeff. and, i think i know how you're feeling. in the navy i flew a-6's off carriers. in combat, events have a duration of seconds, sometimes minutes. but what you're going through goes on day in and day out. whether you're ready for it or not, week in, week out. month after month after month. whether you're up or whether you're down. you're assaulted psychologically. you're assaulted financially, which is its own special kind of violence. because it's directed at your kids. what school can you afford. how will that affect their lives. you're asking yourself: will that limit what they may become? you feel your whole family's future's compromised. held hostage. i do know how it is. dr. wigand would like to leave now. but, now that the version without jeff ran. what's the chance of getting his interview on the air? hello? what chance is there of getting jeff's interview on the air? i'd be lying to you if i did not tell you how important it was in the court of public opinion. all right. see you.