sorry. i'm accepting an award from the retinitis pigmentosa foundation. it's going to kill the rest of my day. jeff's a premiere golfer. what are you, a two handicap? and, he gets out there and he has five strokes on us. he has more concentration than anybody i've ever met. it's spooky how he can concentrate. jeffrey says exactly what's on his mind. most people consider what they're saying. social skills. jeffrey just charges right ahead. now, i know you understood the nature of the confidentiality portion of your severance agreement with brown & williamson, jeff. yeah, i know you do. you know, i came up through sales. one of the reasons i was a great salesman, was i never made a promise i couldn't keep. i knew that if i ever broke my promise i'd suffer the consequence. we worked together for, what was it, three years? now, the work we did here is confidential, not for public scrutiny. any more than are one's family matters. now, don't be paranoid, jeff. about the direction of research here, we may have had our differences of opinion. that's why we hire scientists. i appreciate all that, jeff. but, upon reflection. we've decided to expand our zone of comfort with you. so we've drafted a supplement to your agreement. it broadly defines and expands in more detail what is "confidential." nobody will be able to say, "well, hell's bells, margaret, i didn't know that was a secret" we're very serious about protecting our interests. we'd like you to sign it. oh, i think he did. "i believe that nicotine is not addictive."