hey, mr. angstrom! police business. i don't babysit any more, mr. angstrom. just made detective three weeks ago. detective dormer! detective eckhart! i know! welcome to nightmute! i just want to say how incredible it is to have you working with us, detective dormer. i've followed all your cases. theodore dineli, frank and casey prud'homme, the port angeles shootings. sure thing, spence. actually. i just made detective three weeks ago. yes, sir. oh. right. okay. don't worry about him. fred wants us to meet him at the connell's. brought you a bear claw. just in case you were hungry. oh. you know. small-time stuff. nothing like what you must get. mostly drinking-related problems. domestic abuse. barroom fights. stuff like that. but they're so boring. all small stuff. let me just. down at a local dive the kids like to hang out in. he fixes boat engines. he's a little surly, isn't he? we already did. but there wasn't any. you want me to write that down? the bartender at darrow's. he was there friday night. over here. on the beach. yeah. all over. brought some coffee. anything yet? but. you wanted to see me? but what about the connell case? i'm on the connell case. detective dormer? i'm so sorry about what happened. i know you did everything you could. he has to be a prick, fred. he's a great detective. and it was at this point that detective dormer headed towards the noise. you're supposed to be farrell. shot in the thigh and writhing in pain. accuracy. that's what. now get down. shortly after hearing the second shot, detective dormer continued through the water until he spotted the body, lying approximately fifteen feet away. oh. we always have play-offs in the middle of the night. it's the best time. the puffins and the hawks. we're in extra innings. the hawks have a really good line-up this year. that's my sister. twelve years younger. oh, i shouldn't have. that must have been awful for you. you okay? okay. detective dormer! you look like you're in a hurry. i just wanted to ask you about these pictures. but here's the thing. i retraced your exact steps according to your statement. you couldn't have seen detective eckhart from there. i mean, not in that fog. how much closer would you say you were? five feet? seven feet? which way are you walking? i needed to get your signature on something. about an hour ago. said he was more than happy to cooperate. isn't that the difference between a good cop and a bad cop? a good cop can't sleep 'cause a piece of the puzzle's missing. a bad cop can't sleep 'cause his conscience won't let him. you said that once, remember? oh! i forgot to tell you. the puffins won. when did you first meet her? randy stetz beat kay connell? over at the coffee machine. pouring coffee. glances up at the window. catches the reflection of the two men. hi, guys. yeah. i know. i heard. i found this out on the beach. shell casing. 9mm. none of us carries a 9mm duty weapon. and the murder weapon was a 357. it's a legitimate point, isn't it, detective dormer? worth pursuing? me, pop! where's all my academy stuff? didn't want to miss anything. good. sure. very funny, farrell. hi, rachel. detective dormer? shit! detective dormer! you're shot. i'm going to make a tourniquet. i know. you shot detective eckhart, didn't you? did you mean to? why? this one looks worse. no! Don't worry. I'll have a cool scar.