jesus. just look at all that. nothing wrong with smelling the roses. this ought to be interesting. hey, charlie. eight years. "2nd prize great kodiak salmon catch." they're all over us, charlie. i.a.'s calling themselves the "corruption task force." can you believe that? trying to root out any mistakes or "oversights" any other detectives may have made over the years. they're turning it into a witch hunt. something on the news about it practically every night. beaten to death. even the best make mistakes. lower forty-eight? oh? and how's that? me. see you have the same decor as my room. you know what about. when's that, a week? two weeks?. we have to figure out a plan of action now. to do nothing. dammit, will. warfield had me locked up in his office again for five hours yesterday. five hours. asking all kinds of questions. but he's zeroing in on me. on us. everyone's talking about it. well, i gotta tell you. with a wife, three kids, and a pension plan in the balance, it's rattling hard. look. we've tampered with evidence. we've pushed witnesses. we've planted shit. and they're sniffing around like dogs. especially on the dobbs case. you know i remember that. maybe not. we could talk to buck. cut some kind of a deal. i heard that's what flynn's doing. goddammit, will. you grab on to something and you don't let it go. i don't know if it's because you think it's the right thing to do or because your pride won't let you do anything else. i can't tell any more. but i can tell you one thing. i'm getting too old for this cowboy cop stuff. breaking the rules. cleaning up messes. we're a dying breed, will. you're a dying breed. i.a., the d.a., all those reporters - they don't care what you did at leland street seven years ago. they don't care that you've made this your life. they don't care about getting the bad guy. what are we thinking? you know smoking stunts your growth. more alaskan hospitality. at least there's variety. will? i wish i could stick it out like you. i just, with trish and the kids. i'm thinking i could get off with probation. keep half my pension. that's all i want. you don't have to be involved, will. hey - you do everything around here? what about prints? nice. lighter than i remembered. smith and wesson 45. or goes straight to the sports section. they're watching us, will. sitting in the corner. eating an apple with a penknife. you sure about that, buddy?