i don't need to look at it. tell that to her, partner. "halibut fishing capital of the world." my partner. you did your homework, officer. how you doing, charlie? just after leland street. seven years. you have, chief. nice kid. keeping you busy up here, charlie? so far. four unwarranted shootings, witness intimidation, and cocaine theft. they're all over everybody. that's i.a.'s pit bull. detective. guess that's what they call alaskan hospitality. what about these contusions? any signs of rape? wait. no fibers, skin flakes, hairs. he knew exactly what we'd be looking for. made sure to cover up all his tracks. detectives will dormer and hap eckhart. there should be a reservation for us. i'm always all business. come on in. what do you want to talk about? we'll talk when we get back to seattle. you know my plan of action. that's right. he's asking everybody questions. he's just rattling your cage. we say nothing. it goes away. simple as that. weston dobbs killed an eight year-old boy and left him hanging in the basement like a piece of meat. you remember that? one word to i.a. and he walks. no way. mike flynn's a dirty cop, hap! we are nothing like mike flynn. we did what we needed to do to make sure that son-of- bitch dobbs paid for what he did. and every bastard like him. we say one word about it and every case we ever brought in is going to blow wide open and they'll all walk. every last one. and i am not going to let that happen. no deals. no compromises. no discussions. i care. you got to be kidding me. think i'll pass. don't give misdemeanors a bad rap. it's all about the small stuff. small lies. small mistakes. small oversights. people give themselves away in a traffic violation just as much as they do in a murder case. it's human nature. typical seventeen year-old. she went to a party friday night? no diary. what time was that? who was the last one to see her alive? these are designer. expensive. could randy stetz afford these? well her mother didn't buy them for her. kay connell had an admirer. you don't seem all that sad. did you love her? kay connell. did you love her? "she was nice." wow. that makes me all soft inside. ever occur to you she didn't love you back? you heard me that time. but she was seeing someone else on the side. friday night, at the party - what'd you fight about? what kind of stuff? the other guy? after that she left the party to go to him. ran like hell to go to him. now you listen to me, you little shit. this fuck-the-world-metallica-t-shirt crap may work with your mamma, but it doesn't work with me. you got mad at your girlfriend because she was seeing someone else. you want to be the last person who saw her alive or are you going to tell me who that is? you don't know. just a little. i want you to check this out, ellie. do it again. the small things - remember? the second you're about to dismiss something - look at it again. who's that? good. he's up next. halibut calabrese. halibut olympia. halibut cajun style. halibut fish and chips. looks like the natives are restless. don't do this, hap. goddammit, hap. think about what you're doing. you tell buck and i'm involved whether i like it or not. i'll just have another scotch in my room. if you don't mind. where is it? we're sure it's hers? biology and algebra. read them. tell me anything that strikes you. no. this murder was in the papers, right? call all of them from here to anchorage. tell them we now know that kay connell left the party with a dark blue knapsack, but we haven't recovered it yet. we can get it in by the morning editions. i told her to come. that's him. go! go! go! police! where is he? freeze! hap! and then i lost him. in the fog. twenty, thirty seconds. i followed the sound down to the water. that's where. why didn't i know about that goddamn tunnel, charlie? i had him, charlie. right in front of me. not two feet. i could smell the son- of-a-bitch. playing with me. and i missed the shot. he was right there and i missed the shot! then my goddamned gun jammed. i had him! i'm going to check on the roadblocks. you were nice to him. he liked you. dormer. that's not exactly how i'd put it. what do you mean, "funny?" you know why everyone hates you, warfield? it's not your questions, it's not your press conferences, it's not even your cheap suits; everyone hates you 'cause day after day you suck the marrow out of real cops when you never had the balls to become one yourself. well i got to tell you, it's a shame you're not up here with me because i'd love to show you right now just what a real cop is capable of. you just remember that when you're sitting at your bullshit desk reading your bullshit report on my dead partner! goddammit! hap! it's good to be accurate, ellie. you're doing your job. i was here. i'm going to the hospital to talk to him now. you get the search party together. no fewer than thirty people. i'll meet you in exactly twenty-five minutes. don't waste any time. i'm not. thanks. he would have liked that. that's why i'm here. i need to know exactly what you saw yesterday, farrell. anything. it's important. no. no. don't be sorry. it's not your fault. how's the leg? right. got lost in the rocks. anything catches your eye, you put it in a bag. anything looks strange, you put it in a bag. the woods. one group heading south, the other heading north. anything? alright. go back and set up some follow- ups for this afternoon. he had to have exited here. over those boulders. i saw him move, he's nimble. would have taken the hardest way out. thanks. habit. fred duggar? i'm not expecting anyone. what did he look like? i need to borrow something. i could say the same thing about you. who's playing? she your only sibling? no. well. i had a brother. he died when i was eleven. it's okay. happened a long time ago. he was killed in a fire. in new mexico. not really. i remember i was more embarrassed that he had died. embarrassed that it made me different. so i didn't tell the other kids at school what had happened. they'd ask me where he was, where he'd gone. and i'd make up stories. he was visiting an aunt up north, he'd broken his leg, he was in a swiss boarding school. stuff like that. nice kid, huh? just kept making up more and more lies. i'm going back to the lodge, ellie. still need to go through some of kay connell's school records. officer!. i'll pick it up. you head back to the station. duggar - i'm at the coroner's now. i'll be back in about twenty minutes. i thought it was better if i came. under the circumstances. thanks, doc. so where's the other bullets? what's with all the moose antlers around here? when's rich coming? first i need a copy of the key. dormer. what? who is this? i said, who is this? now you listen to me. right. then change it. i don't remember. listen, ellie. i don't have time for this shit. five feet, seven feet, twenty feet. put down whatever you want in your report, alright? these should have gone out two hours ago. you go ahead. i'll be there in a second. why don't i give her a ride? good to see you, too, randy. you're not missing much. you were good friends with kay connell, weren't you? best friend? that's a long time. must be tough for you. what happened. what about kay's other friends? you want me to take you somewhere? how about this. you like this? thought you wanted something fun. you and kay were like sisters? told each other everything. that why your picture's torn up in the top drawer of her bureau? who was kay seeing besides randy stetz? you don't know. but you were such good friends. what was? who? who? what was it? lucy. desi. goddammit! what? good. no. that's right. so? i don't think it'll lead anywhere. a runner's stride. weaves through people. closing in on byrd. sees his plan. cuts across the road just as. i'm fine. walter byrd. you think this is a nice meeting we're having here? friendly? two people getting acquainted? you sick, coward, fuck. i get up every morning of my life just to bring someone like you down. beating a seventeen year- old girl to death. washing her afterwards, cleaning her. make you feel like a real man? huh? that was an accident! you hear me? i didn't know it was him! i didn't know it was him! what's your game, byrd? the phone call. the knapsack. let's get one thing straight, byrd. we are partners on nothing. you're going to get a phone call. i said you're going to get a phone call. kay connell had a signed copy of one of your books. you're going to be brought in for questioning. yes down at the station. what do you mean, "wild card?" what do you mean "wild card?" i have a cold. back to the lodge. i trust you. duggar called him? not really. no. but it sounds like something i would've said. listen to me, you son-of-a-bitch. goddammit, byrd! i didn't know! fuck! what is it? i'm fine. no. the light. it keeps coming in. there was this guy named weston dobbs. twenty-four. worked as a part-time stock boy in a copy store. every morning he'd sit at the only window in his apartment and watch an eight year-old boy get picked up by his carpool across the street. and every afternoon he'd watch the boy get dropped off again. he did this for about six months. until one day he got up the nerve to cross the street and grab the boy before his carpool came. kept him in his apartment for three days. tortured him. raped him. made him do things. me and hap. a year and a half ago. i knew the second i met dobbs that he was guilty. smug, cold. dead eyes. we had circumstantial evidence, but nothing to tie him to it. nothing concrete. went over every inch of that apartment. we took some blood samples from the boy's body and planted them in his apartment. arrested him the next day. there've been other cases. where we've changed results. pushed witnesses. manipulated evidence. but dobbs. i wanted dobbs more than anything. we're under investigation now. back in seattle. hap wanted to talk. as soon as we got back. thought he could work out some kind of deal. do you think it was wrong? what we did? what was the nature of your relationship? she was an attractive girl. did you have sex with her? but she was an attractive girl. did you have sex with her? but you wanted to. you gave her gifts. expensive dresses. a heart necklace. doesn't sound like a mentor to me. what about him? that's an understatement. i like it fine. they haven't been easy. it's legitimate. the case is closed, ellie. i got the next round. what the hell are you doing calling me at the station? randy stetz is in jail. congratulations. there's nothing more to talk about. we do nothing well together. nothing! you understand me? what the hell do you know? i told you that was an accident! don't you pull that shit with me. couldn't get it up, walter? like this? this an accident, walter? it took ten minutes to beat kay connell to death. ten minutes. six-thirty. i have to get back. had a lot of help from nightmute's finest. no. no back-up. procedure went out the window a long time ago. that's where you're wrong, walter. walter? drop the gun, walter. another j. brody mystery. god, you're a pain in the ass. you, too. walter byrd killed kay connell. her things are in the house. byrd's dead. yes. no. but i covered it up. i lied. because i just couldn't be wrong. don't ever get that way, ellie. don't ever lose your way. it blurs the line. just let me sleep, ellie. what about your shoulder?