mama, please wake up. mama, i'm frightened, please wake up. monsieur, please help us. papa's waiting for us at the ship. please wake mama, monsieur. i want more. more. i want some more. where is mamma? i'm not your daughter. lou. eee. let me kiss it better. mama. mama. september 21st, one hour after sunset. the sky is still violet, the way louis loves and as always lestat was gone when we rose. the way i learn everything. by watching you. but you never let me see you kill, louis. infant death, he calls me. sweet daughter death. you know what he calls you? merciful death. why does he call you that? sit still. it's not finished - circles the troupe. she comes to a small tent, behind it. at the entrance stands a midget youth. she's like me, louis. small and yet not small at all. like me. another doll? i have ten, you realize. why always on this night? you always give me the doll on the same night of the year. is this my birthday? i have. or there would be twice as many. you dress me like a doll. you make my hair like a doll. why? you want me to be a doll forever? why not? can't i change, like everybody else? which of you did it? which of you made me the way i am? and if i cut my hair again? but it wasn't always so! i had a mother once! and louis - he had a wife! he was mortal the same as she! and so was i! you made us what we are, didn't you? did you do it to me???? how did you do it? why yours alone? tell me how it was done!!!! tell me why. you've got to tell me. and it means something else too, doesn't it? i shall never, ever grow up. i hate him. but i cannot bear to lose you. you're the only companion i have, forever. you taught me everything i know. please tell me louis. tell me how it came to be that i am this. thing. you. fed on me? you both did it? and here it is. and i hate you both. locked together in hatred - but i can't hate you louis. is this the aroma of a mortal child? louis. lover. i was mortal to you. you gave me your immortal kiss. you became my mother and my father. and so i'm yours. forever. but now's the time to end it, louis. now's the time to leave him. oh. really? does it? is that supposed to frighten me? i suppose we could people the world with vampires, the three of us. you're a liar. but you upset my plans. i came to make peace with you, even if you're the father of lies. i want things to be as they were. oh, lestat. i must do more than that. i've brought a present for you. better than that. you haven't fed enough. i can tell by your color. drunk on brandy wine. a thimbleful. i thought of you when i saw them. no. laudanum. yes. it killed them, unfortunately. but it keeps the blood warm. don't louis - i'll put you in your coffin. forever. louis! look what's happening to him!! don't mock me, louis. help me. goodnight, sweet prince, may flights of devils wing you to your rest. the one good lesson he taught me, louis. never drink from the dead. help me. we must get rid of him. should we burn him? bury him? what would he have liked, louis? the swamp. in europe, louis. we shall meet our own kind. find the one who made him. learn what it means. he belongs with those reptiles, louis. he deserved to die. i did it for us, louis. so we could be free. louis, look at me. you never talked to me like that - in all these years. i can't bear it when you do - i would die rather than lose you louis. i would die the way he died. tell me you don't hate me louis. i did it for you - what was that? louis!!! reaches the stairs. she screams - don't louis - it is! take the back stairwell - the ship is sailing without us! louis, your quest is for darkness only. this sea is not your sea. they myths of men are not your myths. their history isn't yours. by a large gilt mirror, in her new clothes. she is covered with jewelry, fixing earrings to her ears. help me, mon chere. how do i look? a beautiful child! is that what you still think i am? why do you turn away? why don't you look. you want me to be your daughter forever, don't you? well tell me, papa. what was it like making love? you don't remember? or you never knew. but how will i ever know, louis? i'll never find them, will i? my own kind. have i anything in common with her, louis? or her, or her - or any of them? they are ducklings, that will grow into swans. whereas i must be the duckling forever. all her dolls resemble me. are they my kind louis? dolls never change either. yes. should i take her, louis? among her dolls? make a doll of her in turn? but this can't be real. this is nonsense. mortals, mortals everywhere. and lots of drops to drink. how devilishly clever. she's no vampire. and no one knows but us. yes, and very beautiful. be still! patience, louis. patience. come, beloved. it's time we were on our way. i'm hungry and the city waits. boredom! aaaah! i was so afraid it was to be born like venus out of the foam, as we were! come louis, let's go! i loathe them! i can't stand the sight of them! stupid bourgeois parisians, all dressed in black like some private club! i've searched for them the world over and i despise them! i can feel it from them! they want to know who made us, what became of him. they have their rules, their idiotic rules! no, you would not, louis. danger hold you to me. love? you would leave me for armand if he beckoned you. he wants you as you want him. he's been waiting for you. he wants you for a companion. he bides his time that place. he finds them as dull and lifeless as we do. do you know what his soul said to me without saying a word? when he put me in that trance. let him go, he said. let him go. is that what i should do louis? let you go? my father? my lover? my louis, who made me? you really believe that? madeleine. louis is shy. do it louis. because i cannot do it. i haven't the strength. you saw to that when you made me. you have found your new companion, louis! you will make me mine! your evil is that you cannot be evil! and i will suffer for it no longer! yet you could do it to me! snatching me from my mother's hands like two monsters in a fairy-tale! couldn't you have waited? six more years and i would have had that shape! and now you weep! you haven't tears enough for what you've done to me. you give her to me! do this before you leave me! oh god! i love you still, that's the torment of it. but you know i must leave you louis. and who will care for me my love, my dark angel, when you are gone? louis! but if she dies. what do you mean? yes father. at last. we are een. looks up and screams.