they would have killed you - you want death? is it death you want? floats higher, with louis in his arms, draining his blood. one hand reaches out and grips a rope, hanging from a shipmast. the other holds louis. he withdraws his teeth, and looks into louis' drained face. you still want death? or have you tasted it enough? and a beautiful house it is too. yours is a good life, isn't it? you're not afraid of anything, are you? are you going to put that through me too? ruin my beautiful clothes? were all last night's promises for nothing? i've come to answer your prayers. you want to die, don't you? life has no meaning anymore, does it? the wine has no taste. the food sickens you. there seems no reason for any of it, does there? but what if i could give it back to you? pluck out the pain and give you another life? and it would be for all time? and sickness and death could never touch you again? vampires, that's what we are. creatures of darkness, only we see it that darkness more clearly than any mortal has ever seen. wouldn't it be sweet to bid pain goodbye? to wave away anguish and grief? to embrace the peace of the unending night? they are gone, louis. death took them. death which you can now destroy. you have to ask me for this. you have to want it, do you hear me? vampires. we thrive on blood. tomorrow night. you must prove yourself. i will give you the choice i never had. the sun's coming up. watch it carefully. if you come with me tomorrow, you'll never see it again. your grief has unhinged you. you've let your estate rot. you let your overseer run riot, work your slaves to the bone. we'll start with him. call him. why the bloody whip, carlos? let's call that a start. you've just done it - sitting collected at the head of the steps. don't worry. he was white trash, they come at two a penny. i dumped him in the swamp and untied the slave, licked his wounds clean. i wish i were. but if i were, what would i want with you? your perfect. your bitter and you're strong. because you're as strong as i was when i was alive. you really want to be with them? you asked for death. i didn't promise it - it's not your wife and child my friend. it's death. just that simple. think and choose. it happens to everyone. except us. we shall be this way always, my friend. young as we are now. i'm lonely for a companion, lonely for your strength. but i'm not that lonely. do you want to come or not? did i hear a yes? i've drained you to the point of death. if you drink from me you live for ever. if i leave you here you die. you're sure? stop staring at my buttons. didn't i tell you it was going to be fun? you're body's dying. pay no attention. it will take twenty minutes at most. it happens to us all. come, you're going to feed now. that doesn't matter anymore, louis. you'll see. come. they're all beautiful now. men, women, the old, the young. simply because they are alive. - take him. forget the crucifix. take him. resist no more louis. feed. you have fed. you were made for this. you've killed louis. and enjoyed it. yes, that's you, my handsome friend. and you'll look that way till the stars fall from heaven. give it time. you're like a man who loses a limb and still imagines he feels pain. it will pass. and we must sleep now. i can feel the sun approaching. you must get into it. it's the only safe place for you when the light comes. the sun will destroy the blood i've given you. every tissue, every vein. the fire in this lantern could do that too. don't be afraid. in moments you'll be sleeping as soundly as you ever slept. and when you awake i'll be waiting for you, and so will all the world. someday i'll tell you. we have a lot of time to talk to each other. you might say. we have all the time we shall ever need. your wealth, dear louis, is inestimable. your income from cotton alone will keep us in comfort for a century. you'll get used to killing. just forget about that mortal coil. you'll become accustomed to things all too quickly. au contraire, my dear. he could eat a horse. can't you pretend, you fool? don't give the game away. we're lucky to have such a home. pretend to drink, at least. such fine crystal shouldn't go to waste. i know. it gets cold so fast. i wouldn't call it living. i'd call it surviving. a useful trick if you're caught for a month on a ship at sea. there's nothing in the world now that doesn't hold some. yes. and i'm bored with this prattle - anything is possible. but just try it for a week. come into new orleans and let me show you some real sport! you think so, cherie? but what if i'd rather taste your lips? let's get out of here! of course not. it's so easy you almost feel sorry for them. the trick is not to think about it. see that one? the widow st. clair? she had that gorgeous young fop murder her husband. she's perfect for you. go ahead. read her thoughts. the dark gift is different for each of us. but one thing is true of everyone. we grow stronger as we go along. take my word for it. she blamed a slave for his murder. and do you know what they did to him? the evildoers are easier. and they taste better. you whining coward of a vampire who prowls the night killing rats and poodles. you could have finished us both! i don't know any hell - what strength, my friend, what strength. i remember why i chose you now. but you can't kill me, louis. nor i you. feed on what you want, mon cherie. rats, chickens, doves, goats. i'll leave you to it and watch you come round. just remember, life without me would be even more unbearable. consider yourself lucky. in paris a vampire has to be clever for many reasons. here all one needs is a pair of fangs. as did the one who made me. i learnt absolutely nothing. i wasn't give a choice, remember? why? why should i know these things? do you know them? that noise! it's driving me mad! we've been in the country for weeks, with nothing but that noise!!! come the new orleans then. there's an opera on tonight. a real french opera! we can dine in splendor! respect me a little then. i'm the only life you know. you'll soon run out of chickens, louis. you fool, what have you done? where do you think, my idiot friend? we're in a nice filthy cemetery. does this make you happy? is this fitting and proper enough? and what if there is no hell, or they don't want us there? ever think of that? not always. your friend has no head for wine. do you think so? ah, but the price is pretty high. your sweet friend - i exhausted her. what, no flowery speeches? about what a monster i am? what a vulgar fiend? what do you imagine you are louis? don't you understand, louis, that you alone of all creatures can see death with impunity. you alone under the rising moon can strike like the hand of god. vampires are killers. predators, who's all seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment. i know. let her alone. you think you can be human. you think you can go back. but you can't. you live off the blood of rats now louis. how human is that? lie still, love. you're tired love, you want to sleep. i like to do it. i enjoy it. take you aesthete's taste to purer things. kill them swiftly if you will, but do it! for now doubt, you are a killer louis. ah! of course it's a coffin. you're dead, love. you finish her - if you feel so much - but it's too late, love. look at your wrist, you breast. unless i make her one of us. then you kill her!!!!! in the old world, they called it the dark gift, louis. and i gave it to you. ah, my philosopher, my martyr. "never take a human life". well you must admit it is funny. or is it merely touching? i'm not sure. let's make some party of it, shall we? maybe there's some life in the old lady yet? come back, louis, you are what you are. the plague would have got her within hours anyway. merciful death how you love your precious guilt. all i need to find you louis is follow the corpses of rats. pain is terrible for you. you feel it like no other creature because you are a vampire. you don't want it to go on. do what it is in your nature to do. and you will feel as you felt with that child in your arms. that and more. evil is a point of view. god kills, indiscriminately, and so shall we. for no creatures under god are as we are, none so like him as ourselves. ah, but we have even more in common with our creator. come, i am like a mother tonight. i want a child. she's here, your wounded one. you need company, louis. more congenial than mine. you remember how you wanted her, the taste of her - don't worry, louis, you're conscience is clear. you left her alive. claudia, claudia, listen to me. you're ill, my precious and i'm going to give you what you need to get well. that's it dear. more. you must drink it to get well. stop, that's enough. no more. yes, cherie, of course you want more. and i'll show you how to get it. you drink from morals, my beauty, but from me? never again. gently, cherie. they are so innocent. they must not be made to suffer. that's enough, cherie. stop before the heart stops. it's bet in the beginning, lest the death takes you down with it. yes, that's it. my child. my beloved child. mamma's gone to heaven, cherie, like that sweet lady over there. they all go to heaven. and you did very well, cherie. not a drop spilt. very good! you're going to be our child now. your mama's left you with us. she wants you to be happy. shhhh! do you want to frighten our little daughter? yes you are, my dearest. you are mine and louis' daughter. you see louis was going to leave us. he was going to go away. but now he's not. he's going to stay and make you happy. one happy family. claudia, claudia, will you never learn? who will we get now to finish your dress? a little practicality, cherie. claudia, claudia! didn't i tell you, never in the house! well, i thought you could use another. what night? what do you mean? i didn't realize. some of these are so old and tattered. you should throw them away. but you're the fairest by far. what you are? you would be something other than you are? it will grow back again! stop her louis! and why should i tell you? it's in my power. be glad i made you what you are! you'd be dead not if i hadn't. what is it now? you irritate me! your very presence irritates me! yes. and i'll tell you something else! i've met someone who will make a better vampire than both of you. you're spoilt because you're an only child. you need a brother. or i do. i'm weary of you both. not you my dear. what plans? stop pestering me then! then i hope its a beautiful woman with endowments you will never possess. oh, claudia, you've outdone yourself. where did you find them? we forgive each other then? absinthe? you gave them absinthe? laudanum! ah louis, louis, she killed them. and let me drink. louis, put me in my coffin. louis, louis, i gave you the gift - help me - in filthy swamp-soaked rags, robust again, but his flesh shriveled, covered in scars, his eyes riddled, bloodshot. he roars. where is she? where is that accursed child? give me her louis!! dressed beautifully, but horribly scarred now, from the fire as well as the earlier stabbing. lestat is confused, ancient, teetering, reaching for santiago's shoulder to steady himself. louis. no, the child. the child was the one. no. you come back to me louis. only the girl - it was the girl - you promised me - i could take him back to new orleans - louis - there's something i must tell you - about that night - that night i met you - he's coming home with me - you promised - you'll come home with me louis? for a little while. until i am myself again. i'm so glad you're here louis. i've dreamed of your coming. i didn't mean to let them do it. that santiago, he tricked me. yes. past. she should never have been one of us. still beautiful louis. you always were the strong one. you've come back to me, louis? you've come again to me? i can't bear it louis! the machines out there, that fly and that roar! and such lights! they make the night brighter than the day! you know i love the dark. but there's no dark anymore. if you stayed with me louis, i could venture out. little by little. become the old lestat. you remember how i was, louis. the vampire lestat. i tried to tell you louis. that night in paris. when i first came to you. no-one can refuse the dark gift, louis. not even you. and the more you tried, the more i wanted you. a vampire with your beautiful, suffering human heart. and how you suffered. i need your forgiveness, louis. you'll come back, louis. take me out. little by little. and maybe i'll be myself again. sinks his teeth in his neck. drinks regardless. throws malloy to one side, climbs into the front seat. dear louis. will i ever forget?