you mean me harm? we are death! we all die. death is the one thing you share with all those here. death is no respecter of age. he can come any time, any place. need i tell you what fate has in store for you? and if you take that chance and live, what is your fate? the humpbacked toothless visage of old age? just as this flesh is pink now, it will turn grey and wrinkle with age. then why should you care if you die now? draws near her cheek. and suppose death had a heart to love and to release you? to whom would he turn his passion? would you pick a person from the crowd there? a person to suffer as you suffer? you wait your turn. well, have you a sister, a mother, a daughter you would send in your place? we alone can give death meaning. do you know what it means to be loved by death, to become our bride? how did you wrong him? you said a name - i seemed to recognize it. there is but one crime among us vampires here. you should know, who are so secretive about the vampire who made you. it is the crime that means death to any vampire. to kill your own kind! you can make no demands here! buffoon! bastard - is he the one? all the murderers!!! death for the others. for you eternity in a box - walled in a dungeon. your only company will be your screams. perhaps it will take centuries. we promised nothing! comes at him from behind. louis turns. santiago rushes him in a blur. louis swings the scythe, too fast to see what he himself is doing. santiago's head streaming blood flies through the air.