hi. we just barely saw you there, under that crazy hat of yours. we couldn't back up - the van's reverse is broken. this door's a little tricky, i'll get it. hop in, that's rainey. and i'm jan. probably, the rest of the time, that hat scares `em away. when's the last time you ate something? and eat there with us. you're a leather tramp. that's what they call the ones that hoof it on foot. so, we're technically rubber tramps. alex could have a vehicle. if he didn't burn his money. why would you want to do that? well, you have to be a little cautious alex. that book of yours is all well and fine but you can't depend entirely on leaves and berries. where's your mom and dad? come on chris. you look like a loved * kid. be fair. * you know what i mean. that's not hot enough. put your arms around me. you know what alex ought to do, rainey? he ought to come out to the slabs this winter. when the weather turns cold across the rest of the country, people show up there by the thousands: snow birds. sundry vagabonds. livin' on the cheap under the sun. oh yeah. and a lot of second-hand goods. there's a swap meet. the people are cool. there's even some kids running around sometimes. most everyone there, if they're not avoiding the cold, are at least dodging the irs. it's good. you should check it out. if you come, i'll make a proper hat for you. well, alex. i'm gonna clean up and the old man and i are gonna get some rest. looks like you got yourself a good bag there. you're wonderful. don't make me worry about you. he reminded me. sunni! come here boy. alex! you have to tell us everything. (note: this scene should largely be improvised. they all know their characters, their history. jan and rainey are doing great. and while chris is intermittently aware that the eyes of a pretty 16-year old girl are upon him, chris lays out his travels and his plan for alaska. i think you've made yourself a friend. good luck. i wasn't much older than tracy when i got * pregnant. and i thought my husband and i were going to invent peace on earth and stay together forever. but it didn't work out that way. he left. history. now ancient history. and that was the end of that. so, i raised reno by myself - that's my son. then i met rainey. and that was really good for a while. but reno was already a teenager and was becoming a man in his own way. and then, i don't know. he kinda followed in his father's footsteps - out the door and gone. and i really don't know where he is. i haven't heard from him in two years. do your folks know where you are? no, sweetheart. just hungry. you've been doing a fantastic job over there. shall we eat? just get your pack out of the back and get out of here. i can't take a hug. 21: chris walks into the distance. 39aa. for a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. she was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.