i told you we know each other, baby. mr. massey represented my ex-brother- in law. martin reiser? after you, doll. few suicide attempts, little inpatient stint. naturally, she misses her kids. six weekends a year and alternate yom kippurs seemed harsh to us but -- hey -- all's fair. anyhoo, she lives with a "nurse," takes her meds and goes to occupational therapy at a local sheltered workshop. she makes felt wallets. got one right here. yeah. i know. leather would be more practical, but whatcha gonna do? yep. my divorce just came through. shoulda called you. coulda cut a better deal! my wife still has health insurance and gets to see the children. but, i don't know. guess i'm just a softie. after all amanda and me were together for -- what -- you'd know better than me, marylin. she was your best friend. here. got pictures. well -- marylin and rex broke up and. and one day, this sweet girl calls me, asks me to lunch. just a shoulder to cry on deal. one thing leads to another and before i know it -- i had no idea until after, but -- baby. you are so hot! you know, miles, after my wife -- wife's mastectomy -- things were never the same. this might sound cold, well, maybe not to you, massey, but. i like my women with two boobs. you did good, massey! and -- there's no talking her out of it. believe me, i've tried. she said "penetrate." heh heh heh. harvard? whoa, daddy! well -- at the moment, that'd be me. a wriggle room! maybe we should put that in the malibu house. screw the screening room! course i can't do much "wriggling" if you tie me up like that again. massey -- this is one bad bad little girl. what part? why not? i'm going to have her for a lifetime. i do. ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: i have something to say to my bride. -- darling, like the rabbi said. life is a banquet, a grand bouffe, and marylin, darling. i just want you to know that i am in the kitchen and i can stand the heat! and i'm going to start this marriage by eating my words. because the hot hors d'oerve of this love story is -- pre-nup primavera! carmine! bring on the pesto! -- this is for you, darling. -- this is for you, darling. this is for you, darling! this is for you, darling!