this woman has humbled, shamed and disgrazed the entire foim. counseluh, this foim deals in powuh. this foim deals in p'seption. this foim cannot prospuh. nor long endowwa. if it is p'seeved as dancin' to the music. -- of the hoidy-goidy. lost! i'll tell you what you can do, you can -- -- leave us. -- you can act like a man. let me tell you sumpn, smart guy. you tawt you had it all figgud out. trust. marriage. all ya goddamn love love love. well now you lissean me. i'm gonna talk to you about the goddamn -- we soive the law! we honuh the law! we make our goddamn bread and buttuh by the law! and sometimes, counseluh, we obey the law -- -- but conseluh -- this is not one a those times.