i thought he'd outgrown trains. so i see. hard to believe that's the best he could do. oh. thank you. i'm just enjoying the movie. rex. get away from the door. we are. and it's winding down. are you forgetting about the atcheson, topeka and the santa fe? rex. go away. i don't want to have to sic the dogs on you. i didn't know barry had a beach house. ruth rabino. she did a harriman. in the words of my private investigator, we're going to nail his ass. miles massey. do you know him? who's she? no. i can't have a baby with a man i don't love. and i can't submit a child to divorce. maybe. please. i'm not seeing anyone until this is over. one husband at a time. and you must be mr. massey. hello, rex. are you alright? you lost weight. positano is beautiful. remember when we were there, rex? we stayed in the santo pietro? that hotel on the cliff? do you need a tagamet? these are yours. have you been taking your digestive enzymes? i'm sorry. where were we? i don't know what his game is. he dismissed every one of ruth's proposals. and sarah, we weren't unreasonable. i don't know. ruth kept her cool, but i could tell she was surprised. lilly's up. every week -- anyway, even rex seemed perplexed by his intransigence. if i didn't know better, i'd swear massey had some personal investment in my ruination. well, if he continues to maintain this position -- we're in court. get this! he called and invited me to dinner. huh? oh, yeah. sure. i know. that's why i accepted. find out what's up with this clown. ah. no. i have to admit. i was curious. and hungry. i assume this is on rex? "dismiss your vows, your feigned tears, your flattery, for where a heart is hard, they make no battery." did you see the tape? see the tape. then we can discuss my heart. tell me mr. massey. what was your performance about this afternoon? ruth says you've been too successful, that you're bored, complacent, and you're on your way down. how do you know? i told you. i was hungry. i know you do. risotto with white truffles, please. you didn't ask me here to pick me up. you could get in trouble for that. have you ever been married, miles? you don't believe in it. you just haven't met the right person. all right, miles. let me tell you everything you think you know. i was married to rex for a long time. i was an excellent wife, a partner, a lover, a hostess and a friend. there was only one thing i did wrong during the five years we were together. i got five years older. think he should be able to ditch me for that? see the tape. then we can discuss reconciliation. rex screwed up and i nailed his ass. now i'm going to have it mounted and have my girlfriends over to throw darts at it. then i'm getting on with my life. that's all i'm after. what is it you're after, miles? well, don't look at mine! i was devastated. of course. yes. i loved my husband, rex. "who ever lov'd that lov'd not at first sight?" yes. why is that so difficult for you to understand? rex was -- is -- a very appealing man. i am sorry i couldn't. i tried my best. jesus. please! he'll regret this. it was like that scene in the godfather. frankie pentangeli is called to testify against the family. and he's in court, and he looks into the spectators gallery, and sees his brother. they brought the brother from sicily. and frankie can't say a word. he can't testify. that's what it was like seeing pat in there. i couldn't even have ruth cross examine her. maybe she wanted a free trip to la. maybe they offered her money. massey is very seductive. who knows. they bought her speech. if i was only in it for rex's money, he shouldn't have to give me any. nothing specific, but i'll have my own place soon. probably. every woman in my life was divorced at least twice. what was i supposed to say. anthropologist? in the godfather, after the courtroom scene, frankie pentangeli opens his veins in the bathtub. no. i'll see some blood before this is over, but it won't be mine. miles, how nice of you to see us -- may i introduce howard d. doyle of doyle oil. miles, i know you're busy and that you charge by the hour so i'll come to the point. howard and i are planning to marry. sixteen years? howard jr. is fourteen and mandy must be what -- twelve? honey, i don't think this is really relevant to. -- we realized we'd always been very attracted to one another. howard! howard and i are here, miles, because i have learned through bitter experience that when it comes to matrimonial law, you are the very best. as you are well aware, my previous marriage ended with an unjustified strain on my reputation my motives were questioned. i was slandered in court. therefore in an effort to remove any trace of suspicion from my sweet howard -- i wish to execute a pre- nuptial agreement. they say the massey pre-nup has never been penetrated. that is true, isn't it miles? your pre-nup is the best there is? absolutely. we'd better go before we get thrown out. getting married. he's passionate. all girls enjoy a little rough trade from time to time. no. you listen to me. you busted me, miles. you left me with nothing! what did you expect me to do? get a degree in counseling? write a book about table linen? because that's what wives do when they get dumped, and frankly, i'm not quite ready for that. we told you. we realized we've always been in love. so i hear. is that all? i do. howard is a beautiful person. miles. miles. miles. it was his idea. it was a gesture of love and trust. be happy for me, miles. have you tried the duck? it has bones. be sure to swallow one. i don't feel victorious miles. i feel betrayed, abandoned and humiliated. i have pictures of him with another woman. did you invite me here to score some cheap laughs. you really think i engineered the whole thing. you think the marriage and the divorce was part of some scheme. you came here to celebrate because you think i'm without morality or soul. you -- sound like my mother. yes, i -- well, i'm not really. thank you. and good-night. miles? you're right about me. i am worthless. i am nothing. i don't deserve to live. i don't blame them for betraying me. i don't blame rex, or howard or my father. you see, miles, i'm going to tell you something about me. something you may or may not know. i suck! screw you, asswipe! a little. you get out of the car. that's right, fuctard. i'm talkin' to you! i'm on sunset. near the beverly hills hotel. wanna meet me for a drink in the polo? okay. should i stop at starbucks and pick up a blended for -- okay miles. i just cried when i got home. somehow, your disdain for me -- i'm pretty tough miles, but i'm human. all my life people have been ascribing these terrible motives to me. i used to think they were jealous, or they didn't understand, but. i dunno. maybe others see something in me. something i'm not even aware of. anyway, thank you for letting me come here. i guess i was a little drunk. you have a very nice home, miles. very inviting. you have wonderful art. i love that lithograph. hockney? from a -- girlfriend. no kidding. i'll bet you have some very grateful clients. what'd rex buy you? is that you? oh. and that is -- mom? you look like you were a very sensitive child. you have expressive eyes. and your mother was very beautiful. she must be proud of you. she didn't love you? she held that against you? boy. boy, oh boy. and here i thought my mother was. oh right. you met patricia. we're damaged goods. we are, miles. you know i'm right. there's something "off" about you and me miles. and maybe it isn't because of these women -- maybe they were just extremely insightful and recognized our "deficiencies" very early on. maybe. i'm sorry miles. you shouldn't listen to me. i'm sure you have a very fulfilling life. i'd better go. i'm depressing. thank you for the coffee. it's very robust. friends? i'm a little embarrassed. i'm not used to losing control with such -- volume. what is it miles? huh? did you just propose to me? yes. yes, miles. i accept. do you want me to sleep on it? do you want to sleep on it? yes. again. i know. i'm happy. sarah sorkin. ramona barcelona -- this is miles massey. i do. he was at my divorce and my wedding. what would a marital related event be without wrigley? i loved the berry spoons. i didn't have any. thank you. wasn't she the judge at my divorce hearing? excuse me, judge muson. you brought a pre-nup to our wedding? miles. i don't want to sign this. i want this marriage to be different. okay. judge munsen and wrigley are here, but other than that. oh miles! miles. listen to me. you are about to become my husband. i don't want to be protected from you. i want to be protected for you. i want this to be a marriage based on love, trust and community property. that's all i've ever wanted. i want to be exposed. it's about time. quack. yes. i do. i'm sorry. i'm squishing you. i'll move to the. honey, i could sit. hardly. you have six bedrooms well, i suppose i could "girly" it up for you with a little fortuny, and some passementerie -- fabric and fringe. miles. i said yes. is this ming? i think ming is older than tong. what is this? ok. i'll take it. i can't do this anymore. let's get some lunch. right. well. he said to "make the house mine." yeah. i guess. you know -- he's not what i expected. he's very -- he's so -- happy. yes, yes, it's just -- you know i've never been the first wife. rex was married before me. miles is different. he's still so idealistic. he has no cynicism or anger. for once i'm not the repository of rage at some other woman. i guess. hi. i have a surprise for you. ta da. you don't like it? you don't like me? what's wrong miles? did i spend too much? miles. i have a very good relationship with all the salesmen. i can return everything. miles? you're scaring me. but ruth -- things have changed -- yes -- yes i understand. but you see -- i couldn't file, did i? and maybe i wasn't going to file. maybe -- maybe ruth -- yes. okay. miles? open the door, miles. please open the door. i want to talk to you. miles? i'm coming in. here i come. i don't even know where he is. he looked so devastated. if i could just talk to him for a few minutes. was that the bell? i'll be right back. yes? can i help you? yes. what? forgery and fraud? he told me to -- he said he wanted me to -- do you think he set me up? do you think that was his intention? he never even asked. he just assumed -- so. now what? may i come in? i'd just like to pick up a few of my things on the contrary. we're married and we have no pre-nup, so a case could be made that everything in here is mine. comfy! i want to nail you ass. i'm reporting you to the irs. i'm not talking about dollars, studmuffin. i'm talking about -- arty farty stuff. lithographs and pre castro cubans. watches and mileage on private jets. stuff, miles. stuff you get from grateful clients. salary. unreported income. by the way, what time is it on bellagio road? i don't have to. that's what the irs guys do. and they do it with great zeal. see, they work at these tortuous civil service jobs, and when five hundred dollar an hour boys like you take their trade out in luxury goodies, these saps feel. well, they feel like saps. and they feel bitter and they feel vengeful and they feel wrath. what is this? a romeo and julieta? i know. so am i, right? and so is agent wilson of the internal revenue service. he's a dedicated, underpaid graduate of southwestern university -- very tenacious, and never more so than when he's dealing with an unscrupulous colleague. i think it's only fair to warn you: i'm going to file an action, miles. and after a decent interval i plan to have ruth seek an injunction that will forbid your approach within 500 feet of my house. i believe the residence will be part of the settlement. drop the bogus forgery charge and i'll forget about your generous friends slash clients. that's marriage. you'll always be my favorite husband. hello? miles? miles! where have you been? i've been trying to get in touch. i will, miles. i will leave. but miles -- just listen to me. i'm sorry, miles. it's true that my initial intention was to. i fell in love miles. you do? you do love me? whoever sent you, i'll pay double. is this mr. dumbarton? triple! it's a no go, joe. it's okay joe. now. but first, he worked for you. wait just a second there. you sent him here. you unearthed this pestilence. i'm sorry. that was unkind and -- but, we changed our minds. did you really mean what you said on the phone. it wasn't because you found out about rex? that's true. oh joe, be happy for us. i'll pay you the twenty thousand. well, actually, all whores worship the dollar, if you want to get technical. i'm not leaving you. i took self defense hello miles. it's not something i wanted either. yes. i know. it's exactly how i felt when i realized you'd hired the goon to kill. how could i trust you, after. after all of this. your forgetting rex rexroth? forgery? fraud? murder? i don't see how we can ever find our way back from. you know, sweets, he's right. fine. they were created during a dictatorship. what if something happened to you? what would i tell little gus when he asked "what was my daddy like?" sweet.