sam is sam. he's taking up fly fishing. he's in a yert in montana. i ran into your mother at the radiologist last week. oh, just a routine mammogram. she said to say hello. she's going to positano with your brother's family. so, miles. if you have a proposal, let's hear it. my client has ruled that out. that's delusional. my client feels sufficiently dispassionate. ha ha. my client is prepared to settle for fifty percent of the marital assets. oh brother. here we go. yes. maybe you're right, miles. maybe we're being too conservative. seventy five percent. we were about to request the primary residence, and thirty percent of the remaining assets. kirshner does not apply. kirshner was in kentucky. the primary residence and forty percent of the remaining assets. you're becoming tedious miles. see you at the preliminary. thank you, mrs. rexroth. objection, your honor! uh. poetry recitation. your honor, this is harassment! arid frankly it's still a little. arty farty! we rest, your honor. who's that? is this a lover? what?! objection, your honor. this isn't about mrs. rexroth's filial obligations. marylin was friends with howard and amanda doyle. they don't like the way you operate. they helped her. i have no idea what howard doyle eats. i'm not a damn dietician. she's your wife. why don't you ask her? anyway, i assume she signed the highly over rated massey pre-nup. the fault, dear brutus, is not in our stars. and it's good! don't threaten me, miles. i did nothing illegal. that's attorney client privilege. sorry, miles. but as a great and clever man once said, what's good for the goose -- you used his credit card. quite a little shopping spree. how do you spend six figures in less than six hours? oh, never mind i've seen it before. i've seen everything. like i know his intention? or yours for that matter? i should join sam. i'm too old for this bullshit. he was right, wasn't he? now? well, marylin, now you cut a deal or find out how jean harris made it work for her. alright. now you both wait a minute. nobody hired anyone to kill anyone. we've outlined a settlement. we think it's more than generous. it's the massey pre-nup -- o-kay. i'm going back to the office come on wrigley, i'll buy you a drink and an anti depressant. not if you're lucky. no.